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Looking for a Steady RP Partner!

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Yeah, I was going for a group - But I recently found a few people to rp with, which is cool! 


What I'd honestly like right now is a steady RP partner, preferably someone who also plays a 'not so nice' character. Not 'evil' per-say, but someone who is as morally ambiguous as Tamm is. Tamm is a bit of an orange/blue morality character and I thoroughly enjoy playing that particular archetype. 


So, ideally, I'd like to play with someone else whose character is also sort of off the wall, slightly kooky, possibly 'bad guy' type. 


What I'd also expect is we can chat OOCly about our characters, we do plots together, etc. Frankly, having a scattered plot line bothers the hell out of me, so having one central plot/character to do RP with would be fabulous. 


Here is a copy paste of what I'm generally looking for;

Here are the kinds of RP I'm interested in:


  • Slice of Life; Normal is fun too!
  • Magic-oriented; My character wants to be a scholar, someday.
  • Travel; We go places!
  • Dark/Mature/Grimdark; I like stuff that a good psychological thriller, horror, or Stephen King novel might be made of. Not constantly though! 
  • Whatever else comes up along the way, as long as it isn't outlandish/saving the world type stuff.

As a Note: I will say I am NOT interested in strictly eRP. I can't do Porn without Plot.




As for me, here are a few rules I personally play by when I rp - I don't expect my RP comrades to do the same! 


I try to play:


  • Realistically; If something horrible happens, my characters doesn't just pick up and get it together - They suffer. For instance, she killed a dude early this week. She's spent the last few days contemplating the value of life, what a horrible thing she did, and how sad their families must be. Even though, by all rights, it was part of the plot and they were essentially Nameless Goon #324234 - To her, it doesn't matter, she still killed someone! 
    Like wise, if something great happens to her, she'll react accordingly! I try my best to keep a mental profile going of what a person might be like if XYZ happens when I RP, in order to give myself a very immersive experience. 

  • Within Reason; Communication is key. If we need to compromise on things, I like to talk things out like an adult. 

  • With Fun > Fact; I'm OK with bending lore a bit. I enjoy having fun far more than I enjoy being a lorenerd, but with that in mind, part of doing RP in a predetermined setting is following the lore. If a spell needs to be fudged, so be it; But playing Apocalypse Maiden is not a thing I try to do.


Like I said before, I'd really like just having a steady rp partner. I had one in ESO, but unfortunately they quit the game, so now I'm back to looking for a RP partner/group. 



As a note: I'm also looking for enemies, relatives(maybe!), and everything in between. It's just at this time, I really would like a steady RP partner!


My character's profile is here; I try to keep it updated and like to randomly add things to it, as the character develops. 


If you're interested, let me know! - Either via here or Skype; @professormctrex

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