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Something Witty

Luna Mau

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We are an OOC Ls to help Role Players connected and find other Role Players, for anything from long storylines to simple one shots. We are always recruiting and very active! PST to Luna Mau, Arthyr Caden, Wicker Eisen, Niniriki Auauriki or Kitsuki Yatsurugi for an invite!

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  • 4 weeks later...

This LS is a great place to find new and experienced players alike, it is indeed active, with a daily chat count, much of it on-topic to RP, that is quite high.  It allows RPers of all walks, Lore-Friendly and Not, so please if you join, have the mindset to accept everyone and improve yourself and others with good discussion!  I can say my personal experience with this group was a good one, and I hope others have the same experience I had!



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