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The Naked Popoto (Lamia RP Hub)


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Lamia World Of Roleplay




Alot of people don't normally associate Lamia with hardcore roleplaying, cause most people go to Balamung or one of the more larger and well known servers for their RP Fix! Alot of people are forced to do a character transfer or stay in a small group of people and never expand just to get a little Roleplay! Well for Lamia, that's no longer the case. We have a tight 30+ Roleplayers supporting The Naked Popoto Hub LS, and it's growing everyday!!



The Factions

(Please note that all Factions are RP Factions created and maintained by Lamia Roleplayers.)


The Eikons Of The Aetherial

The Sky Piercers Of The Holy See

House Einsvald



This Community of Lamia is relatively young! But as we grow further I will update this LS!


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