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[2-9-2016] Staff Changes

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There have been some changes made where our moderation staff is concerned:


1. Certain moderators (blue names) have been placed on hiatus and will display as regular users until such time as they return from hiatus. This changes affects only appearance, not permissions, and is intended to prevent poor times where turnaround is concerned.


2. Certain moderators (blue names) have been demoted.


3. Certain janitors / chat moderators (green names) have been demoted.


4. Please view this page for current staff.



There are some changes pending where our moderation staff is concerned:


1. The current team is reviewing the current state of RPC. One anticipated consensus is the need for a larger moderation staff to better accommodate this site's user base.


2. The current team is, at the moment, drafting an application-and-questionnaire process for moderator and janitor candidates.


3. Recruitment process - whether candidates are to be nominated by staff or whether there'll be another open call for volunteers - is pending the aforementioned review and pending the aforementioned draft.



Thank You.

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