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Lemieux Skytrade Co.


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[align=center]TO THE SKY!



Who are we OOC'ly? [/align]


The Lemieux Skytrade Co. is a mature, heavy-roleplaying Free Company on the Balmung server. The Sky Pirate theme has, in this case, been linked with a mercantile focus under the premise of additional commerce outside of their 'reacquisition and distribution' racket. While the official take of privateering should be considered legal ICly (i.e. accosting bandits, tomb raiders, illegal pirates, enemies of states, Garlean ships, and so on) there is a dubiously lawful underbelly suited well to the eco-political terrain of Aldenard. While main storyline events for the company will undoubtedly involve adventuring and swashbuckling, this Company also encourages slice of life roleplaying to strengthen existing bonds and forge new ones through our tavern and inn. Usually ICly in the form of daily roleplay, levequests, and themed events.




*We have a no tolerance policy in regards to severe out of character drama and breaking the Square Enix Code of Conduct or Terms and Conditions, the former of which can and the latter of which will definitely lead to an immediate ban and blacklisting.


*Applying characters should be abiding to the lore and will be gauged on a case by case basis by our interviewing officers who will offer constructive criticism.


Who are we IC'ly?[/align]




Tristanaud Lemieux, native Ul’dahn and experienced pirate, has come into a sum of money with which to fund his dream of establishing his own trading company and privateering racket based out of Thanalan. Alongside his two loyal companions, Quartermaster Wicked Crow of Radz-at-Han, and Navigator Hidaka no Yugao adopted scholar of Sharlayan, Captain Lemieux is looking to mold himself into something of a merchant prince with the establishment, not only of his physical trading business, but a standing tavern and inn geared towards savory and less savory types alike by utilizing the headquarters in which his ship(s) dock. His work is dubiously law-abiding by nature, skirting the line of legality by traversing the Ul’dahn economical structure with which he is familiar.


To the necessary officials across Eorzea and beyond, Lemieux’s Skytrade Company is a group of specialists from diverse backgrounds, in the business of reacquisition, restoration, and redistribution through experienced use of their aerial contraptions. The Manticores, called such after their flagship, know themselves to be opportunists of all kinds, criminal or just, that have come together beneath their fearsome colors in search of the fortune and freedom to be found in the skies.

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