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Coming back to FFXIV, looking for a buddy to guard.

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Hi there everyone!


So, you may or may not know me, I was pretty involved with the RP scene when I played a few months ago. I quit, and I'm trying to get back into the game, but one of the biggest things for me is RP. 


So, getting right into it, I recently read a series of books, and I got a great idea for RP from it, and as of now, I'm looking for a person of reasonable power (wether in their FC, or just in general) to be the body guard of. My character has specific magical abilities that coincide with gunpowder and the use of guns.


I can go into a bit more detail if anyone is interested. I'm not actively searching for an FC, but if I make a good fit, and you can see me in your ranks, I'll certainly consider it.


If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, hit me back here! Thanks in advance!

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