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RP Friends for RP not on FF14?

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So, I am an avid RPer of FF canon stuff and I am looking for people who'd be willing to RP Final Fantasy with me.   I'm mostly looking for FF7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 to RP from but I mostly would like FF13.   If anyone would be interested, please drop a message here.   I don't roleplay on FF14 because I am on my PS4, so it's not really realistic lol.

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For the record, a lot of people I know RP on PS4. All you need is a cheap USB keyboard, which, last I checked, can be had ~$10, maybe even less! You can even use a Bluetooth keyboard for a bit more, if you felt like sitting back on your couch to do it.


That's cool :).  I am more looking for not on ff14 though :0!  I figures I might have someone in common among ff14 players :)

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