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The Unending Journey


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[align=center]Discovery; Exploration; Freedom.[/align]


[align=center]Defining qualities of every member of[/align]

[align=center]The Unending Journey.[/align]


[align=center]We are a band of itchy-footed travelers who celebrate a life without ties to home nor country. Our interests are our own and our passion is living in the world without. Rootless and drifting, we pride ourselves in careers outdoors such as: Guiding, exploring, treasure hunting, performing, cartographing, ranging, trapping, documenting, artistry, trading, and general discovery. Man on the run? Even the less savory are welcome by our fires: Poachers, smugglers, pirates, bandits - All Hydaelyn’s children are welcome to share under the stars with us.[/align]


[align=center]The Unending Journey provides many benefits for our members. Using a private, members-only Linkshell, we communicate available work, locations of interest, and rarities of any sort. The nature of our business often allows for organized vacations and outings, so look forward to that as well! [/align]


[align=center]Our commitment is to ourselves, and each other as we strive to reach our goals and aid our companions along the way. Naturally we have no office, so if you would like to join our association please inquire with any of the notable members listed below and they shall see to your needs.[/align]








The Unending Journey is a newly founded Free Company looking to fill our ranks! We’re based on CST timezone, 18+ members, and Roleplaying-focused. Non-RPers are welcome too, however, and should still apply if you prefer to experience the game in its entirety and join us in a casual end-game environment. Our events and IC interests revolve around experiencing the wilderness and dungeons of Eorzea, be it in or out of character.



To join please whisper either Ivory Moon or Dormin Explosivo in game and we'll be glad to have you join us on our next excursion! If neither of us are online, feel free to talk to anyone who is or make an FC application and we'll whisper you the next chance we get!

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