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The Hearthsworn are accepting applications! Check out our website for the most detailed/up to date information, or read on!





Who are the Hearthsworn ICly?

The Hearthsworn are a mercenary group who limit their membership to those who seek to do good. The Hearthsworn headquarters is a place that welcomes those who have no home, no place to belong. The outcasts, the exiled, the lost, and those looking for a purpose.


While we will take individual jobs that come our way, we do not accept jobs of murder, theft, or anything else of questioinable morals. We aim to protect, to build, and to support.


At the end of the day, all of the Heavensworn come together under one specific goal:


The protection and advancement of our hearth, our home, our Eorzea.


And may heaven help those who seek to do it harm.


(We are a neutral-good aligned FC that answers to no Grand Company. We open our arms to any who show us that their intentions are good, and to those that need a place where they can belong and have purpose.)





What about on an OOC level?

We are primarily a RP FC (Roleplay focused free company), but we welcome all sort of players. Crafters and gatherers are welcome, just as PvE and PvP players are as well. Regardless of if you're level 6 or level 60, we'll welcome you with open arms so long as you'll follow our FC rules.


We strive to be a welcoming group that encourages interaction with people outside the FC, and we want to make the game experience fun for everyone. 





What do we offer?

  • Rank 8 FC
  • Small house in the Goblet (Medium come 3.3, hopefully!)
  • Airships!
  • FC-wide plots
  • Soon to come: Bi-weekly hosted FC events open to the server.
  • A drama-free environment
  • Social interaction!!!




What do we expect of you?

  • No drama. Leave it at the door.
  • Being active and involved.
  • A positive attitude.
  • Willingness to have some awesome RP times!




What do you need to do to join?

  • Check our our website at http://www.hearthsworn.shivtr.com/
  • Put in an application through the site. (We'll usually get back to you in 24hrs or less)
  • Whisper Zailin Kirr in-game with any questions!


Feel free to come hang out at our FC house and see what goes on before you make the choice to join us. Goblet Ward 3, Plot 52.

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