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LFRPers on Phoenix (EU)

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Hello folks!


Having recently returned to FFXIV (but never really getting into RP in the first place) and having transferred to one of the EU servers for reduced lag, I've noticed that there isn't really a strong RP presence. That's a bit of a shame as the game is much more active on the EU servers during normal playing hours.


Having glanced around the Linkshells in the 'Other' section and having noticed that there isn't really a 'defined' RP server, I was thinking I might as well give a shot and try and gather some folks on the server on which I play: Phoenix!


Currently I'm just looking for anyone who wishes to RP and have a good time, though I do have some plans for a 'True Crystal Braves' Linkshell, basically Crystal Braves how they were 'intended'.


So..anyone interested? :) Feel free to contact me in-game on K'tasha Dhar!

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Woop. I got two people interested already.


To start organising, I created a little linkshell called 'The Crystal Braves'. To try and get the people interested in the Linkshell, I'll strive to be online tonight and tommorow at around 21:00 CET (so that's 5th and 6th of May).


So..just poke me around that time on 'K'tasha Dhar'!


Once we got those two people in, I'll start writing a proper Linkshell post for in the Linkshell recruitment section.

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