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More Questions! [Songster/Bard Related]


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Are you tired of me yet? Lol.  Sorry to post so many, but I'd rather be well informed instead of just winging it and ruining an RP experience for people in the future out of ignorance and/or arrogance.


So I have a character in the works that is a songstress/bard lady. My only real question is how you go about RPing that.


Are certain songs connected to certain spells? Do all the bards of forever know the same ones?


Or does each bard make their own thing to work?


Does it happen any and every time she sings or does she have control over when it does and doesn't work?



Things like this. I didn't make it to getting my bard before the server was shut down, unfortunately. ;-;  Any information is greatly appreciated.

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Q: Are you tired of me yet? Lol. 

A: No :D


Q: Are certain songs connected to certain spells? Do all the bards of forever know the same ones?

A: As of the end of 1.0, there were 4 songs/spells. Swiftsong gave a speed boost (though this was technically an archer ability), Ballad of Magi gave refresh, Minuet of Rigor gave both accuracy and magic accuracy, and Paeon of War gave a TP generation buff. All songs used the same little chord of music when cast, though they did have different colored animations. So while there is a little musical blip related to casting as of this point, it's the same for all songs and has no specific lyrics. I would say this counts as a "no" for specific ACTUAL songs reserved for each song buff in game. This could of course change in 2.0, and frankly I hope it does : P


As for all bards knowing the same songs, I'd imagine that all practiced, battle-ready bards would know the same buffing songs. Newer bards may want to incorporate learning songs ICly into their characters goals, though, which I personally think is an adorable idea and a good RP generator amongst fellow bards. I often also use real life songs, (straight lyrics, or modified), in my RP, too, and I don't mind at all when others join in singing because they know the song as well. So in that case bards might know the same songs, as well.


Q: Or does each bard make their own thing to work?

A: I don't see why, from an RP perspective, you couldn't make up your own songs if you wanted to.


Q: Does it happen any and every time she sings or does she have control over when it does and doesn't work?

A: I would imagine some sort of extra magical, aether summoning focus would be required along with any songs played or sung for bard buffs. If that's the case, no, some sort of magical event would not have to happen each time the bard sings. I certainly hope not or my character has been casting a whole lot of spells she wasn't aware of : P



For me, personally, bard is also a story teller, an entertainer. With this in mind, I feel that a bard is quite capable of song (and whatever else) beyond the set list of spells given to up in game. I can't speak for the rest of the community, but I wouldn't think most would take issue with you expanding upon bard's skill set within realistic reason :>

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Q: Are you tired of me yet? Lol. 

A: No :D


Q: Are certain songs connected to certain spells? Do all the bards of forever know the same ones?

A: As of the end of 1.0, there were 4 songs/spells. Swiftsong gave a speed boost (though this was technically an archer ability), Ballad of Magi gave refresh, Minuet of Rigor gave both accuracy and magic accuracy, and Paeon of War gave a TP generation buff. All songs used the same little chord of music when cast, though they did have different colored animations. So while there is a little musical blip related to casting as of this point, it's the same for all songs and has no specific lyrics. I would say this counts as a "no" for specific ACTUAL songs reserved for each song buff in game. This could of course change in 2.0, and frankly I hope it does : P


As for all bards knowing the same songs, I'd imagine that all practiced, battle-ready bards would know the same buffing songs. Newer bards may want to incorporate learning songs ICly into their characters goals, though, which I personally think is an adorable idea and a good RP generator amongst fellow bards. I often also use real life songs, (straight lyrics, or modified), in my RP, too, and I don't mind at all when others join in singing because they know the song as well. So in that case bards might know the same songs, as well.


Q: Or does each bard make their own thing to work?

A: I don't see why, from an RP perspective, you couldn't make up your own songs if you wanted to.


Q: Does it happen any and every time she sings or does she have control over when it does and doesn't work?

A: I would imagine some sort of extra magical, aether summoning focus would be required along with any songs played or sung for bard buffs. If that's the case, no, some sort of magical event would not have to happen each time the bard sings. I certainly hope not or my character has been casting a whole lot of spells she wasn't aware of : P



For me, personally, bard is also a story teller, an entertainer. With this in mind, I feel that a bard is quite capable of song (and whatever else) beyond the set list of spells given to up in game. I can't speak for the rest of the community, but I wouldn't think most would take issue with you expanding upon bard's skill set within realistic reason :>


Absolutely this all these answers. You have a lot of creative control with a Bard (in any game), which is fitting for such a creative class. What's not creative is the negligence most devs in any MMO will give to the class, but RPers can easily make up for that.


I would agree that there would be a lot of songs past down from Eorzea and even Hydaelyn, and while it's the Bards duty to keep those songs alive, it's also their duty to come up with new songs or epics that either describe their own journey, someone else's journey, or or heroic (or evil) acts done by someone. And as Xenedra mentions RL music as well, that's all the more perfect. I consider all music (well...most of it >.>) fair game and is a tool that can unite all of us players, even if it's a RL reference.


You can have a lot of fun with this. In EQ2 I had a mute Bard concept I never got to play, for example. You could be a Bard that lost her muse. You could be a Bard who can't help but tap into the aether any time she sings, or even hums! Or, you could just have your run of the mill Bard that travels the land and creates songs or stories from what she sees.


It's all up to you =)

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