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United Hydaelyn

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This is a rp organisation that was created to explore the depths of FF14s culture in game. Since religion can shape and affect culture, the rp focuses (mostly) on the deities of FF14 but also spreading knowledge and aid! 


Built by Sizha'to N'az within the halls of his company's newly renovated H.Q, the United Hydaelyn Church is opening its doors to people from every corner of Eorzea and beyond. It is backed by the Strega Institute, giving it a wider range of opportunities to learn and take part in the church. Classes are offered in the church as well as healing services. Sermons are given typically once every two weeks. Topics include: The Twelve and Deities Beyond, The Nature of Faith, Aether and its Connection to the World as well as guidance in current events of Eorzea…and more!


Here are the roles of the church so you can see what to expect if you join one of them: (taking a role is not required! You may simply join the linkshell.)




[align=center]“+”= Job is Open[/align]


[align=center]Roles within the clergy:




[align=center][HighPriest]: church overseer and creator of events,sermons and orders to be given to any of the other ranks. The High Priest’s authority is the strongest but still needs the work of every clergy member to run properly. Advice and suggestions/inspiration can be passed through the Cardinals and then to the High Priest to have a meeting on the matter.



[align=center][Cardinals]: advisers to the leader, the left and the right hand.Should the High Priest need to step down for a time, the Cardinals have the power to appoint another that they deem fit. They will also keep an eye on troubles that may arise out in the land and work closely with the Missionaries for knowledge. The Cardinals must know how to read and write ICly and be devout to any god of their choosing.



[align=center][bishop(+ 1)]: the speakers alongside the High Priest during sermons, the Bishops will be routinely sent out to various cities. This will be done during church ordained events to spread the word and each time they will have a guard (or two) with them. The Bishops are also teachers to students who wish to learn how to read/write. Must be able to read and write ICly.



[align=center][Priest(+)]: leads ceremonies and rituals, bestows blessings upon congregation. These Priests also serve as the church’s healers and may be dispatched into Eorzea upon request.



[align=center][Deacons(+)]: assistants and aspirants to a Priest to become a Priest or Bishop. They will help preform ceremonies and rituals and will be taught at the church to read/write if they don’t already have knowledge. This will be an immersive study.



[align=center][Missionary(+)]: eyes,ears and shield of the church, the Missionary is its most readily recognizable member. They use faith based skills in combat when required and offer services of protection to those who need it. When not employed by someone, Missionaries are tasked with reporting disturbances they may come across that would be of interest to the church such as criminals, dangerous creatures, injured persons, dead and or dying (if they wish to receive help). These people will periodically be given missions by the church to assist the congregation or strengthen the Missionary’s faith. One must be open but not forget history to help expand the future!



[align=center][Translator]: those who help spread the church’s message beyond the native Eorzean tongue. As there are refugees from Othard, we welcome their people to our church with opens arms to share their culture with us! 




[align=center]OOC Information:[/align]

-A compendium of deity related lore links will be provided if requested. Research is ongoing and supported!-



[align=center]PM the following people in game or leave a note here for an invite![/align]


[align=center]Sulahn Da'assan[/align]


[align=center]Sizha'to N'az[/align]


[align=center]Torvalt Ranagir[/align]

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