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Wolf Pack Society (Jenova)

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[align=center]What is the Wolf Pack Society?[/align]


[align=center]The story of Wolf Pack Society is an original concept meant to be set wtithin the lore of FFXIV's world, Hydaelyn.


Eras ago, a powerful primal nine-tailed wolf  "Kuji" came into the world and created a home to which his people can live their lives in peace. To prevent  his people from being target for other nations he transformed himself into a  9 Aethernet Shards hidden in plane sight at different points of Wolf Pack Society  so he can keep watch over his people. To keep outsiders from ever finding out, a spell was cast over the shards to keep Kuji's powerful aura from being noticed, found our, or even used; each would travel through the aether to find sanctuary land of  which Kuji gave up his body and powers to act as a guardian over his people.


Those who loyal an faithful to Kuji bear a a distinctive paw mark on their skin, and as such have come to be known in certain esoteric circles as the Carmina. These marks forge a unique connection between the Carmina, gifting them with the ability to ‘see’ each other over vast distances,  greater agility, hearing, smell, and in rare cases share their thoughts and experiences over their telepathic Link.


The existence of the Carmina is not a complete secret, however. There are many who would seek to information about the hidden secrets of the the Wolf  Pack Society and take their power for their own.


The Carmina must remain strong-willed, loyal, and faithful to his fellow man and ally with one another, and swiftly; for there are always someone wanting to seal our family's power and honor.[/align]




[align=center]Why Join the Wolf Pack Society?[/align]

  • er wolf like lore, which is congruent with the lore established within the official setting of FFXIV: ARR.
  • wolfy, yet engaging FC storyline which is still being worked on as we forge and shaped it organically by each of our members.
  • Live Chat: We use chat system called Download Discord Chat, Chat program, and its free easy  to use. Wolf Pack Society
  • Our Society; Wolf Pack Society scouts to actively recruit t rarer race/gender-type characters, and those with unique and interesting back stories and personalities.
  • High-quality RP; Our Society recruits to a low to high standards, seeking proactive, new/old experienced, talented role-players to add to and improve our pack's roleplay.
  • Community; Wolf Pack Society recruits only over a small number of  people in each recruitment period, and does not recruit again until those new people are settled in. way, we work hard to keep our FC small and tightly-knit, to foster a feeling of closeness and by doing it this keep our pack involvement for all of our members. We do not tolerate OOC prejudice, discrimination or hate speech toward any group of people. We accept every race and gender of Earth people, and we are LGBTQ friendly!
  • Regular events which offer character interaction and development, and the opportunity to forge and develop inter-character relationships. Our events often run during CST evenings, but we support all EU time zones with ease.
  • friendly, supportive and open RP environment.
  • A zero-OOC drama policy.
  • A fully in-character FC channel, and an out-of-character channel for chatter, as well as in and out-of-character Discord channels that we frequently use.
  • (Coming Soon) Free company housing with all of the benefits that come along with it.



[align=center]Wolf Pack Society. Offers active Role-playing for all those New to RP or Great Role-players. Our goals are to make Jenova an Official Role-playing server. [/align]


[align=center]Come join the in on our fun Society, Wolf Pack Society is a Never ending Role-play, looking to build up its ranks. We want to creating a safe, very friendly role-playing community to pursue your role-playing dreams. [/align]


[align=center]Come, send us a "tell" or "Submit an Application". We don't own a house yet, but working hard to the bone to achieve our goals. Rather it be our own house or Keeping Eorzea Safe.[/align]


[align=center]Recruitment Status




[align=center]For information on applying to Wolf Pack Society, message us here.



To learn more about us and to apply, please message us here, or send a /tell in-game to: 

Yang Yi.[/align]

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