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They Who Shall Not Be Named!

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[align=center]Hey everyone! Come celebrate All Saint's Wake with us!

(Albeit late due to RL troubles and postponing, but just means we'll have more energy to put into it! =D)[/align]


[align=center]We're having a costume and dance party; with contests and prizes, Halloween and Dark / Dance music, a few custom drinks added to our Menu, an outside bar and cauldron of spiced mead that you can help yourself to nearby, and a special announcement towards the end of the night after everyone's had time to take part in our Voting Poll![/align]


[align=center](Disclaimer!: Some songs streamed WILL have explicit lyrics, dark themes and profanity. 


[align=center]Recommended mental maturity level of 17+. 


[align=center]If that's not for you, feel free to use the family-friendly Halloween Radio channel


[align=center] embedded in our Menu page or bring your own music.)




Where: The Halls of Eld- Lavender Beds Ward 7, Plot 5[/align]

[align=center]When: Saturday the 5th of November

[align=center]3pm Pacific, 5pm Central, 6pm Eastern[/align]


[align=center](Events will be listed as Central for base of reference.)[/align]


[align=left]Event Schedule

Start: 5pm

Apple Bobbing: 5:30pm

Story Contest: 6pm

Apple Bobbing: 6:30pm

Costume Contest: 7pm

Apple Bobbing: 7:30pm

Name Reveal: 7:45pm[/align]



[align=center]Event Rules

[align=center]All scheduled events will take place outside of the Halls to accommodate a large crowd, while the tavern and dance floor are within.[/align]


Apple Bobbing:

We'll be hosting an apple bobbing station in the yard multiple times through the night. [/align]

[align=left]When the events begin, participants should line up near the bucket in front of the Odin Helm and along the hedgewall, going over the bridge to keep the pathway clear as much as possible. 

The game is /random based, and you're allowed to roll 3 times when it's your turn at the bucket.

You may either roll all 3 times in succession, or emote your successes/failures- but please keep in mind how many other people might be in line and the time frame for other events.

Once you've completed all 3 rolls, the person hosting the station will award you according to each of your 3 rolls.

Depending on the time frame and number of participants, we'll either cycle through the line once, or allow you to return to the back of the line if you'd like to go a second time.

The game may end at any time if the host runs out of apples and can't fetch more.


650+: Mirror Apple

900+: Xelphatol Apple

999: Golden Apple



Story-Telling Contest:

The Story contest will take place in the yard around the Wickerman. (Cold Knight's Cookfire)

Please have your story ready to go before the event starts, with a maximum of 5 posts being the limit, and attempt to keep them somewhat family-friendly.

When you arrive, please seek out the host stationed outside behind the counter near the Wickerman to sign up for the Story Contest. 

When the event begins, we will call up the participants one at a time to tell their story.

The judges will take notes during and/or after each story.

After everyone on the list has been called up, the judges will compare notes and award prizes based on several categories.

In order to include all of our members who couldn't be judges, there will be an extra "Free Company Favorite" category to be voted on at the end.

The theme for all stories is All Saint's Wake.

Categories and Prizes:

Most Original: Wind-up Garuda

Scariest: Wind-up Ifrit

Funniest: Wind-up Leviathan

Free Company Favorite: Assassin Fry



Costume Contest:

The Costume Contest will take place outside of the Halls of Eld.

When you arrive, please seek out the host stationed outside behind the counter near the Wickerman to sign up for the Costume Contest, and state which category(ies) you wish to enter. 

If you are entering into the Couple or Group Category, please have all members present at the time of contest application.

When the event begins, we will call out the names of all on the list of participants per category and direct them to the designated area to line up.

Our judges will take a few minutes going down the line looking at costumes and asking questions should they have any; such as who you're dressed as or what theme you were going for, etc.

After the judges have looked at all costumes for that category, they will make their decision and award prizes accordingly. 

In order to include all of our members who couldn't be judges, there will be an extra "Free Company Favorite" category to be voted on at the end.

Categories to enter and Prizes:

Most Original: Expanse Barding

Scariest: Hive Barding

Funniest: Tidal Barding

Couple (2 members): Levin Barding and Ice Barding

Group (up to 5 members): Orthodox Bardings

Free Company Favorite: Sephirot Barding




[align=center]"They Who Shall Not Be Named!"[/align]

[align=center]This is an interactive event that EVERYONE is encouraged to take part in![/align]

[align=center]The Halls of Eld and 7th Haven tavern have three new residents: a Koi and two Goldfish.[/align]

[align=center]From THE TIME OF THIS POSTING until the end of the party on November 5th, our Naming Poll is open to everyone to cast their vote on what our newest bubbling tavern members should be named! [/align]

[align=center]Choose from the lists or add your own suggestion by checking the "Other" box and writing the name below it. [/align]

[align=center](Tip: Don't confuse the name and captcha boxes. ;D)[/align]

[align=center]As the last event of the evening, we will tally up the votes and announce the winning names from the voting poll for all to hear![/align]





[align=center]Everyone who attends will receive a Bubble Chocolate and a Jack o' Lantern to munch on when they arrive, so please give time for our doorman to give them to you before running off to explore and party![/align]



[align=center]As always, we also have a handful of rooms open for the public to use marked with a ★star★.[/align]

[align=center]And our "unique" dance floor is especially satisfying to shuffle and twirl on...if not a bit unnerving...but in a FUN way!




[align=center]And last but not least![/align]

[align=center]Our staff has toiled away in the tavern to invent some new and exciting holiday drinks just for the party![/align]

[align=center]They're up and ready to go, so trick-or-treat yourself and have a look at our already delicious Menu![/align]





[align=center]We can't wait to see you there![/align]


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