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[Balmung] Arin Tayuun

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[align=center]I. Basic Information[/align]


Character(s): Arin Tayuun, Nahri Ruhzo

Primary Character: Arin Tayuun

Linkshells: Yojimbo Trading

Primary RP Linkshell: Yojimbo Trading


[align=center]II. RP Style[/align]



Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

Medium to heavy.  My work schedule tends to conflict with the amount of RP that I'm able to participate in, but my Friday nights and weekends are (mostly) free.


Views on RP Combat and injuries:

Combat-style RP is one of my favorite things.  The plot surrounding the combat, however, is the most important aspect for me.  So long as there is no power-gaming involved and everyone is on the same page I am perfectly okay with any injuries that are sustained as a result.  I tend to follow the /random RNG system but I am more than interested in learning new styles of combat.


Views on IC Romance:

While Arin does not actively seek romance, she won't be as opposed to it as one might think.  She's had a few bad experiences in the past which have left her a little wary but if it happens, it happens.  The only stipulation that I have in regards to romance is that there must be true chemistry between the characters.  IC and OOC are separate entities.  I do not predetermine relationships.


Views on Non-Romantic RP (familial ties, etc.):

Familial ties are closed, but RP hooks regarding perhaps her growing up in Gridania, her clan (Tayuun), and other related ideals are more than welcome.  Just send me a PM here or get with me in-game if you have any questions!


Friendships, as of right now (12/18/16), are heavily needed.  The friends she had previously, save for one person, have all taken their own paths in life/RP.  She needs to rebuild her circle!


Antagonistic characters are needed as well, and are more than welcome!


Views on Lore:

As long as the reasoning and explanation is logical, I am more than willing to follow along.  I try to abide by the lore to the best of my ability, though.  I do own a copy of the Encyclopedia Eorzea, and I have researched extensively in order to abide by the laws of physics and magic in the realm.


Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc.):

Say - What my character is saying.

/em - What my character is doing.

Yell: Usually IC

Shout: I rarely, rarely, use this function, but it is OOC.

/tell: OOC unless it involves communication between private linkpearls.

Party: Usually OOC unless otherwise stated.


LS: Depends on the linkshell.  These aren't something I tend to think on very often, but I don't want to fill my list with linkshells that I won't actively participate in.


[align=center]III. Other Information[/align]


Country: USA

Timezone: EST

Contact information: PM here or whisper/mail in-game!

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