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Eorzea Garden: January Events (Open to members or prospective members)

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BALMUNG: The following are classes being offered by Eorzea Garden instructors in the month of January (2017).  This will be updated as other offerings are added.  If you are looking to join as a student, observe the lesson, or may be considering joining our LS for another role you are encouraged to join us for these events to see what we are all about! :)







1/12: Chocobo Racing Class with Cronea

7pm EST at the Gold Saucer

Open to all students, instructors wishing to observe, and characters who are looking to join as students.


1/14: Basic Combat with Siegfried

7pm EST at The Wolves Den (Dueling Docks)

Open to all students, instructors wishing to observe, and characters who are looking to join LS group.

**Location may need to be unlocked prior to this lesson


1/19: Fate RP Patrols or PotD RP Runs (TBD based on number of participants)

10:30pm EST at Mist Ward 5, Topmast (Dorms)

Open to all students, instructors wishing to observe, SeeD/graduates, and characters who are looking to join Linkshell group.


1/28: Social Event

3:00 EST at Mist Ward 5, Topmast (Dorms); location will move based on what we decide to do IC

Open to all students, instructors, SeeD/graduates, and characters who are looking to join Linkshell group.


1/29: Performing Arts Class with Raeje

Open to all students, instructors wishing to observe, and characters who are looking to join as students.

Time and Location TBD



Additional information about our Linskshell, events, etc. can be found at: Eorzea Garden

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