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Eorzea Garden <EG-RP> R8 FC, RP

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Following The Calamity, Eorzea found herself facing a time filled with destruction and despair. It was a time of hopelessness. It was a time filled with heartbreak. The people of Eorzea were left to pick up the pieces of their once normal lives, facing such atrocities that even now warrant nightmares. Not only was the world around them in pieces, but so were their most precious relationships--spouses fallen dead, families separated, and even the unfathomable would come true in the form of children left with no parents...no home.



These were dark times for Eorzea, so dark that it was almost impossible to find a light. In Ul'Dah, Gridania, and Limsa Lominsa, the orphanages began overflowing, leaving them with a dilemma which needed to be handled with strategy. In this time, it was agreed upon that these three city-states would each build a Garden to function as a cadet academy. These institutes would take in children in need of shelter and train them to serve Eorzea. It would be an academy like no other, offering dormitories, training facilities, libraries, and classrooms. Students would live and study on campus, offering them both a family and home in the Gardens. After a measurement of their growth both physically and mentally, these students would graduate and be given the opportunity to join SeeD, a military group that would be hired to carry out various missions throughout the realm.



In time, the Gardens became well established, each working closely with their designated city-state to maintain peace and aid Eorzeans as they recovered from darker times. However, in recent times, there have been many reports of dangers concerning the beast tribes and the Garlean Empire. With these dangers, the city-states now understand that in order to protect Eorzea, they must unite.



With the best interest of Eorzea in mind, it was decided that the three separate Gardens would merge into one large academy--Eorzea Garden. It would be a symbol to the people that they would stand together to protect Eorzea.







To go along with our beloved Eorzea Garden linkshell, we are now offering a Free Company to those who need a home.  We have an awesome group of people and we are looking to expand to bring in more wonderful characters!  You can definitely join both FC and linkshell.  Our FC is Rank 8 and we offer housing in the form of the Garden complete with a lobby, student lounge/cafeteria, library, classrooms, office for headmistress, other amenities, and private rooms for students, staff, and instructors.  This is RP so many of our players will be IC at housing.  However, we also have workstations for crafting boosts.


We accept:

  • students-always accepting; students can attend classes and even work through our level system to graduate to pursue a career as a SeeD, White SeeD (elite), instructor, or other job with the Garden
  • instructors-accepting instructors of all kinds; combat, academics, job skills (cooking, other), you name it, you teach it!
  • SeeD-mercenary force employed with Garden; work with various groups throughout the realm on missions
  • graduates-may become instructors or pursue another job (cooking, groundskeepers, office work, you think of it, the Garden needs it) if they do not wish to join SeeD
  • community partners-work closely with the Garden to support the students and school
  • White Seed-elite SeeD force; completed extra schooling and will be employed for top priority missions

We are a RP community based on the gardens from FF8.  We have a lot of social meet-up RP, but we also have class offerings for students (monthly), and big events for the whole community (planning a ball for next month right now). Once we get some classes and events going we are going to start RPing based on a storyline that will be developed by a team of writers (currently accepting writers)!  All members are encouraged to contribute to our plot, meet-ups, and events. :) 


More info. here: Eorzea Garden Forum


Again, we are brand new, so you will be helping us grow. We are also saving to buy a house (which will function as our Garden), so members are encouraged to make donations to our chest. 


FC: Eorzea Garden

Tag: EG-RP

LS (OOC): Eorzea Garen

LS/Linkpearl (IC)





Happy RP!

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  • 1 month later...

Love this group and can't recommend them enough. Great writers, and the Garden is quite breathtaking (their FC hall). Very easy to get immersed in the story of the SeeD and their place in Eorzea's lore. I'm a new instructor, if you're an orphan, or vagrant, or someone looking for a cause, seek me out. Haydyn Greyheart in game! Or seek out any of us really. :)

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Love this group and can't recommend them enough. Great writers, and the Garden is quite breathtaking (their FC hall). Very easy to get immersed in the story of the SeeD and their place in Eorzea's lore. I'm a new instructor, if you're an orphan, or vagrant, or someone looking for a cause, seek me out. Haydyn Greyheart in game! Or seek out any of us really. :)

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