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Serial Graverobber on the Loose

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They are calling the suspect the 'Enthusiastic Exumer' but there is nothing to get thrilled about with his crimes.  Over the past moon, a series of no less than six graveyards from all over the City-States have been violated needlessly.  Both valuables, and the remains of dearly loved ones who have passed, have been snatched away in the dead of night.


Priests of Nald'thal, guards, and even several vigilantes from all over have, through testimony, given matching descriptions that paint a portrait of the man they claim is responsible for these crimes.


Although his name is unknown, the reports indicate that a short, blond miqo'te male in black robes arrives with a crew and,together, they quickly dig up the dead and cart the cadavers away.  One guard reports the man manipulates the dead bodies to dig themselves free of the earth but this report is not reinforced by the other testimonies.


Currently, the priests of Nald'thal, as well as several parties, are offering a reward for any information on this man and urge anyone with knowledge that might prove helpful to report so they might seize this man and bring an end to this spree of grave robbing.

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