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What are people's thoughts on an engineer type possessing an IC magitek mount?


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We have a lot of players who have magitek mounts IC, largely because magitek keeps falling into the hands of FC companies for any number of reasons. There probably isn't an issue with it unless you're planning to make it several orders of magnitude better than an average mount.

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Title. Is it totally feasible or pushing the envelope too much on what technology is available in Eorzea at this time? It's for a character concept I'm playing around with.

Absolutely go for it!  You wouldn't be the first.  With Garlean trained engineers well established in Eorzea, and plenty of Garlean battlefiend scraps available, I imagine that the Mecha are not uncommon. 


No doubt a lore expert, like Sounsyy can fill you in with much greater detail :)

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Cool thanks. If anyone gives me flak I'm going to say Verad and Aya said it was okay. :D


As for better than average mount, my thought was someone modifying the technology to try and push forward Eorzea's first ever magitek mech race circuit (or maybe it's not first ever)

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