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Care to take part in a trial?

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So, I figured I'd throw this out here and see if I get some bites, as it were. Due to an upcoming rp scene with my character I began thinking about the prospect of him actually going to trial for crimes he committed when he was played as a villain. Now, I could NPC it all, but honestly that falls sort of flat and wouldn't be nearly as fun as if I could get some PCs involved.



Ben murdered and maimed quite a few folks in the frozen wilds of Ishgard and would be taken back there for a tribunal style trial. As they struggle to find their way in light of all the changes, a noble born tribunal for court cases seems like it might be something they try out.


Parts that would need to be played:


3x Judges to serve as the Tribunal (For story purposes these people would need to be Ishgardian citizens of good standing and of noble birth; It would be preferable if said character also had a character flaw or secret that could be used during the trial-more details on that bit once judges have been selected)


1x Barrister to serve as prosecutor and drive the case against Benedict


1x Barrister to serve as Benedict's defense, if not for innocence of the crime, but for clemency. (Probably one of his friends would best suit this role)


1x Noblewoman with deep connections and perhaps owes a few favors to other nobles that she would like to see washed away.


Any number of PCs who wished to be listed as potential witnesses or experts could be created for the Barristers to pull from.


And then of course the more the merrier, so if it were posted as an event then others could come and watch the trial or perhaps as guards on the prisoner, or other roles not yet defined.




The event itself would be played out in a few parts on weekly Thursdays events roughly 8:30-11:00 pm EST. The time is short in order to potentially allow more people to play a part, as opposed to having it on a weekend where most events are planned and people are usually already engaged in activities. Start date undetermined as yet because we would need to get some planning in with the participants first.


Week 1: List of charges read, Initial Opening arguments by both sides.


Week 2: Presentation of Evidence/Direct Examination


Week 3: Cross-Examination/Character Witnesses for the Defense


Week 4: Closing Arguments/Tribunal ruling.




The further details I have in mind would be shared with the players in the trial but much of the rp would be freeform arguments concerning the nature of redemption, good/evil, and the concept of justice.


If this doesn't seem to be something the community would want to take part it, so be it. But, I think this would be a unique experience to bring together various types of characters in roles that might befit their station/profession but rarely get played out.


Feel free to respond here or PM me if you are interested in being a part of my trial concept for Benedict.


Thanks for taking the time to read this. :) Cheers!

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Ben is a cool dude that comes highly recommended. 10/10, will definitely be playing live TV audience to gasp on cue.

Seconded. I hope you can find folks to help run this amazing idea. I'd throw my own characters in But none of them quite fit... (sorry Ben)

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C'io would loathe to label herself as an expert, but given what I know of the circumstances surrounding the killings, she could be called upon for an expert testimony on the magical aspects of the case -- or driven to help in any investigations that the barristers need to conduct. Her logic and expression are also strong enough that she could possibly be a barrister, but without a license and without a formal knowledge of law, particularly Ishgardian law, she might make a poor advocate.


Her hat's pretty cool, though.


Possible spoilers:

A note on the Judges of the Tribunal. Given the alterations to Ishgard's government, would it not be, at this point, mixed with at least one non-noble judge appointed by the House of Commons? One noble, one clergy, one common, or a mix of the above?

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Possible spoilers:

A note on the Judges of the Tribunal. Given the alterations to Ishgard's government, would it not be, at this point, mixed with at least one non-noble judge appointed by the House of Commons? One noble, one clergy, one common, or a mix of the above?


Whatever role you'd like to play that fits your character would work for me. Also, I like the idea of a clergymen, noble, and commoner as judges. If people would be interested.


Side note, she does have an amazing hat . . .

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Update on Parts currently filled/Potentially filled:


1x Barrister for the Prosecution: Isarn Lacordaire


1x Barrister for the Defense: Laurentoix Beaujolais


1x Judge (Clergymen): Potentially filled


1x Noblewoman: Potentially filled


Witness Log:

C’io Behkt (expert testimony on the magical aspects of the case)


I'm still looking to fill other roles and hope to hear from more interested parties and confirmations from those still on the fence.

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