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The Blackguard «BG-RP»

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“You are about to embark on an enlightening journey; a journey which will take you down the path to enlightenment, to reshape your opinions and beliefs, and reveal to you many wondrous opportunities including fulfillment of your wildest dreams.


We must, then, demonstrate that ours is an Order of inspired and deifying perfection, of efficacy and of enlightenment for those initiated with the revelation derived from the hierarchy.


Head of this Order is the Lord of the Blackguard, the High Inquisitor, the Council of Hierarchs, cause of things that be, assimilation to and union with them, as far as attainable, is deification.


And this is the common goal of all: persistent devotion towards Godhood and things divinely and uniformly ministered; prior to which there must be a complete and unswerving removal of things contrary; a knowledge of things as they are in themselves; the vision and science of truth; the inspired communication of the uniform perfection of the self, as far as attainable; the banquet of contemplation, nourishing intelligibly and deifying every being elevated towards it.”


Segment from the Tome of Candidates Edition I




If you are interested in joining the Blackguard, or simply want to know more, you can go to our website or contact the leader directly (Cassius#1352 on Discord) for more information.[/align]

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