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Looking for Officers

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Founded by The Father, Drachma was founded with a vision to become a company of renown, of wealth and power enough to expand to the far east. To rise above peerage through its talented and skilled members and bring into the fold adventurers, heroes, and other Companies alike who wish to mark themselves down in the annals of history as having been part of the greatest Great Company Eorzea has ever seen.



By engaging in commerce and trade, Drachma will gain the wealth needed to sow its seeds of influence from Eorzea to the Far East. Supported by its armed forces, Drachma will enforce its own policies and interests and the betterment of its members and allies.




But to do that we need officers and it could be you!



Please check out our FC profile here and see which positions interest you the most and we'll see about filling out those positions!



Director of Armed Forces

Director of Trade and Commerce

Director of Expeditions

Master of the Fourth



Chief of the Army

Admiral of the Navy

Commandant of the Marines



Head of Terrestrial Commerce

Head of Oceanic Commerce



Head of Land Expeditions

Head of Sea Expeditions

Head of Air Expeditions



Lord of Shadows



Webmaster (ooc admin position). 



Message me here or in game if you're interested!

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