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Interest Check! Priest RP

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((Crossposting from Tumblr))


So I’m typing this on my phone and I only thought of this concept last night, but I’m excited enough to try to do this now.


I wanted to see how many characters in the community were priests of any of the Twelve or otherwise religiously devoted to them - and if this takes off, followers of Eastern and Xaela traditions as well! I’m asking to see the viability of making a discord or linkshell to connect characters and organize:


• More religious ceremonies depending on a wider community interest in them, using Saint Reymanaud’s Cathedral, the Arrzaneth Ossuary, the Church of Saint Adama Landama, temples of Rhalgr - anywhere that can be justifiably used!


• Charitable work to the poor, downtrodden, and victims of war


• Missionary work in the name of the Twelve to spread the faith to Garlean territories and the Far East


• A channel of interfaith dialogue to foster understanding between the churches and cults of the Twelve to support the above charity and missionary efforts both at home and abroad


I understand that this concept might not be feasible for many priest characters with conservative beliefs, i.e. Halonic orthodoxy. Since this is such a rough draft I’m still working on ways to make a space for them that doesn’t necessarily relegate them to an “antagonist” role, and if this is something that takes off I will of course be open to suggestions!

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My character, Lihli Nherusa, is actually a priestess of Nymeia. I've RP'd her that way since I created her and honestly, it's a lot of fun.


She does worship the entirety of the Twelve and will regularly attend Halonic masses or any other such gatherings dedicated to any of the Twelve. But her main focus is upon Nymeia and Althyk.


(She's also open for any religious RP if anyone's interested.)

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