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[Mateus and Balmung] Looking for RP Connections!

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Hi there everyone!


Phew it's been a while since I have done one of these but I am back from a little bit of a small hiatus and I'd love to catch up with people and make some new friends for my lovelies!!


I have a lovely handful of darlings for everyone to chose from and I will list them by server!


[align=center]First we have Balmung!!![/align]




My main on Balmung is Alexei Zolotse \o/  He is a known performer and Music director at the Isles of Paradise Music Academy. (Currently only open to private instruction as our other instructors have some real life goings on at the moment that keep them from participating, but if that interests you please let me know!) He is part of the Eorzean Kpop group 3B Lead by the all Amazing Waltz Concerto :lol: Lex currently freelance performers where he's invited or sees an opportunity to just get out there and dance.  He is a sunseeker miqo'te, from Thavnaria but lived most of his life on the islands and loves swimming and flowers.  He has a stutter that some often mistake for him being nervous and is very sweet and kind.  He does his best to see the bright side of everything and is very very upbeat and optimistic.  Lex loves  fashion so he's always dressed to impress or to just be comfortable, he is very comfortable with his body.  The boy doesn't like to be touched though so that has made it hard for him to get close to some people but with time and trust he might just give you a hug.  ^-^  He is open for family members, Adventure rp, casual rp and romance(m/m) but that has to be a long endeavor, for someone that would be willing to put in the time to get him to let down barriers for that to happen.  His last relationship ended abruptly and left him a bit scarred inside but its not something he wouldn't try again if someone really put in the effort. 




Next we have Sin'dell Shirazi!  Now this is my adorable lovely elezen, this sweet beauty is an Opera singer at the Palazzo Aldenard!  She hails from Thavnaria as well and is the daughter of a very very important man (have to rp with her to find out who!) She is currently in Eorzea fulfilling her dream as a singer and traveling the world to learn more about the everything outside the walls of her Thavnarian home.  Sin'dell loves the ocean and lotus flowers, in fact has one tattooed over the span of her back.

Summoner by trade, Sin'dell delights in the usage of Aether manipulation, due to this she has been called a heretic while performing for Ishgardians before.  The woman is really intuned with her surroundings and has a voice like an angel.  She seeks more connections in rp for adventure, casual, and performance.  I'm open to all kinds of rp ideas with her except for romance as she's happily spoken for.  She is currently engaged to be wed to the wonderfully and talented Misto Talos!  I'm looking to get some friends for this beauty because as of right now she is quite lonely in the Mists so far away from home and her family, even her fiance lives in a different city!


On that note if you have an idea for a character or something that you want to drum up with me, I have two blank slate alts on Balmung that I'm willing to hash ideas with.  If in need of a family member or something of the like let me know! I love to write and I love building stories and making friends =D


[align=center]Now on to my beauties on Mateus!





First Up we have Aya Tumet! (her ig name is Ayane Sakurai pending a name change to Aya Tumet)  Aya is one of the Khatun's blade for the tribe she is in.  She is a tribal xaela that has lived alone for most her life and so isn't very social and doesn't speak very proper.  She can speak and understand Xaelen and Doman and only understand but not speak Eorzean.  The woman was cared for by a wandering doman after her family was culled by a rogue tribe of Dotharl, Aya the only survivor  that she was aware of, stayed with this doman for a few cycles until she was about 18summers old.  He taught her the way of the samurai and they lived together as close as family could be without a romantic bond for that entire time.  The doman was killed by a raiding party during the summer of her 18th year, leaving the woman to wander alone.  He had left his sword with her, a very ornate family heirloom which she holds very dear to her heart since the man saved her life twice and by doing so gave his life the second time so that she might still live.  The sword was stolen from her by a Raen that found her sleeping one day under a tree in the steppes to which she proceeded to chase him to Limsa over boat and sea to get the sword back, this led her to being employed under a family of Yakuza before she met the Khatun of a Qalli tribe.  Aya never feeling as if she belonged anywhere and always yearned for her return to home, self swore herself as the Khatun's protector in order to get home, in doing so she found herself a family and eventually proved her worth in gaining the title of Khatun's blade.  Aya never displays concrete emotion on her face, any emotion she exhibits is displayed by the actions of her tail. She is deathly loyal and enjoys a good fight.  The woman is more skilled with the use of her entire body in combat than she is with just her katana, in fact relieve her of the sword and she becomes even more of a threat.  I'm looking for all sorts of rp with her, she is open to receiving all kinds from adventure, casual, conflict, rivalry and romance(m/f)(though because of her past romance will have to be a long process).


[align=center]Lastly  I have my Samurai Lord Kiyoshi Sakurai!



[align=left]Kiyoshi is a traditionally trained Samurai, he has a twin that is not identical by the name of Yuuki Sakurai (this is a recent development) He was raised in Kugane and his father Daisuke Sakurai was a well known Lord and General to the royal family. His family owns and operates a teahouse and dojo in Shirogane(once we get housing there) where Kiyoshi currently trains students in the way of the samurai.  He and his bestfriend were ushered out of Doma when the Garleans attacked twenty years ago and has now returned to rebuild his family's estate.  He recently learned that his father was murdered, the culprit possibly his mother whom he thought died in childbirth. ( This is currently an ongoing story plot and others are welcomed to join in!) If it comes to pass that his mother Ina Shiroko was indeed the reason his father met his untimely death, Kiyoshi will be tasked to seek justice for it by taking her life.  I'm looking for family, adventure, casual, rivalry, students, romance (m/m). 


[align=center]Like all my rp I'm looking for long term adventure and great fun!  I look forward to writing with some of  you! I also have a few blank slates on mateus if someone would like to hash out some ideas for that as well!



[align=center]I hope I provided lots of details for my babies to seem presentable enough to find some new friends! 




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Hey there! I have a bard character on Balmung. She's in a singing group that's similar to an all girl's pop group but she also does a lot of solo work that's a bit edgier. I'd be open to have Zhara meet and befriend fellow entertainers, Alexei and/or Sin'dell would be great. 


I also sort of know Kiki from Beat Breakerz and I invited her to be apart of an event I'm running. I think she'll have a 30 minute slot and I told her if she wanted to invite Beat Breakerz that she could. Not sure if she told you or the rest of the group about it. If not, here's a link to the event's RPC thread. If you're interested in having either one of your characters perform, we'd be welcome to have you!

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Hey there! I have a bard character on Balmung. She's in a singing group that's similar to an all girl's pop group but she also does a lot of solo work that's a bit edgier. I'd be open to have Zhara meet and befriend fellow entertainers, Alexei and/or Sin'dell would be great. 


I also sort of know Kiki from Beat Breakerz and I invited her to be apart of an event I'm running. I think she'll have a 30 minute slot and I told her if she wanted to invite Beat Breakerz that she could. Not sure if she told you or the rest of the group about it. If not, here's a link to the event's RPC thread. If you're interested in having either one of your characters perform, we'd be welcome to have you!


oh wow! this absolutely sounds like something that Alexei would be apart of, I haven't seen anything in the 3B discord about it but I'd love to join and perform for the event!

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