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Character Customization Ideas in FFXIV

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Greetings. This is a thread idea I had since I want more ideas of things to add to character customization. This discussion is about seeing things you would like added to each race! I designed it as maybe a fun way to learn about more things I want to see in the game and your opinions on that!



- Butt Shape (Adds three butt shapes.)

- Face Paint [2] Option added.

- Face Paint Color [2] Option added.

- New Face Paints.

- Hairflip (Like tatoos, allow us to flip hairstyles to the other side horizontally.)


Hyur Male/Females:

- A more Eastern Themed Face.

- More Eastern Themed Hairstyles.

- Better Beards (Full beard.)


Highlander Males:

- Eyebrows added to "Other Features"

- Better Beards (Heavy beard.)


Elezen Males:

- New Mature Sexy Face (Kind of like Au Ra Face 1/2.)

- Some Au'Ra Hairstyles added.

- Muscle Slider (Maybe?)


Elezen Females:

- A New Pronounced Mature Face (Kind of like Highlander Face 1/3)

- Some Au'Ra Hairstyles added.


Lalafell Males:

- New Eastern Hairstyles.

- New Eastern Looking Face

- Manly Beard. (xP)


Lalafell Females:

- New Eastern Hairstyles.

- New Eastern Looking Face.

- A breast Slider that works. (I mean, why is it even there? xD!)


Miqo'te Males:

- Muscle Slider

- Face Marking Customization. (To choose.)

- Natural Claws. (Added to a new slot called "Other Features" - Which Replaces "Facial Features")

- Ear Customization.


Miqo'te Females:

- New Mature Face, not so cutesy.

- Muscle Slider

- Face Marking Customization. (To choose.)

- Natural Claws. (Added to a new slot called "Other Features" - Which Replaces "Facial Features")

- Ear Customization.


Roegadyn Males:

- New Face, just more options.

- More Beards.

- More Beards.

- More Scars

- Body Tatoo Options


Roegadyn Females:

- New more mature face.

- Beards... (jkjk)

- More Scars.

- Body Tatoo Options.


Xaela Females:

- Muscle Slider

- Body Scars

- "Dark sclera" added to "Other Features"

- Horn Customization


Raen Females:

- Jeweled Scales (Ruby/Teal.)

- Horn Customization

- More Body Scales

- Muscle Slider


Xaela Males:

- Muscle Slider

- Body Scars

- "Light Sclera" added to "Other Features"

- Horn Customization


Raen Males:

- Jeweled Scales (Ruby/Teal.)

- Horn Customization

- More Body Scales

- Muscle Slider



These are some of my ideas. Feel free to add your own!

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