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Well met!

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I have just recently come back to Final Fantasy! I am hoping to create some new connections and have a great time RP'ing!

Balmung is where I have landed, I am oceanic and looking for similar timed people, but I am happy to add anyone and RP whenever we get the chance! 


I just set up my first wiki for my character but I am not exactly the best, so any advice will go a long way! 


Thanks heaps! 

:chocobo:   :chocobo:   :chocobo:

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Welcome back to the community! I know how it feels to leave and come back, so you've got that going for you :-)


I'm not exactly sure about oceanic time (I'm on the East Coast) but if you wanna meet any of my girls via Discord or PM, let me know!


Wikis are in my sig!

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