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Looking for DRK mentor / RPers (Balmung)

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Hello Everyone!


I'm rather new to this website and quite the nub... as it seems I accidentally posted on the RP discussion rather then here. Anyways, I am recently trying to come back into RP after my struggle with Depression. I'm not here to get into my issues or anything like that, you fantastic people don't need to worry about that. :)


My character Steel Bison has been through the ringer quite a few times. He is a large man with an even larger heart. No matter what he seems to do, or try to do he always ends up hurting those around him, or just failing them one way or another. After my hiatus I wanted to push him into the direction of an actual IC DRK. 


I don't want to get too much into Bison as I'd rather leave most of that to IC. Also.. if you aren't a DRK mentor or even a DRK.. please hit me up. I could really use some people to meet and RP with. Also please feel free to walk up to me in game or.. send a tell.. or a message here!


Here is Steel Bison's RPC... it's VERY out of date and I should be updating it hopefully tonight. 



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