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Years of FF - Fresh on the rp scene (Bal)

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Heyo to you all- 


I get real busy with work and the gym so I don't always get to all the role-play I want to. Do my best though. 


Balmung Active right now. Mateus as a secondary but I came from Jenova. Always had an alt on most servers but never active. just started role-playing (from WoW) in FF recently and lucked out with random alts I'd made all over (balmung and mateus locked now?)


Looking for an FC- rp contacts- ls and all that good stuff. I get distracted and roulette- work on content or potd and msq and such a lot so pve friends is cool too. 


You can read about my character's basics here- http://kuroshixiv.tumblr.com/post/169208615888/all-about-kyoshan-kuroshi





http://kuroshixiv.tumblr.com and Kyoshan Kuroshi#7644 are my methods of contact or just Kyoshan Kuroshi in game. (if I take awhile to reply or miss something my bad- I get craze busy)

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