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Story Arc 1- The Rosewood Coterie

Yayonzo Poponzo

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EVENT 1-0, From Humble Beginnings
Location: The Rosewood HQ, Main Lobby
Date/Time: February 9th 2017, 9:00EST

Preview: At last, Yayonzo has assembled a small group of adventurers to join him on his new venture. With a brand new base of operations and a crew of people ready to open a new chapter in their lives, Yayonzo calls for a meeting to bring everyone together and go more into detail about what lies ahead for the Rosewood Coterie. He hopes that the meeting will bring the crew closer together, and properly prepare them for their first official task as a team. Here, proper accommodations will be made for those who need it, and any lingering questions the adventurers may have will be answered.

Participants: Yayonzo Poponzo, Emma Vikhrov, Sasori Qestir

Recap: Three of the company's four founding members meet up at the brand new location for the newly formed courier company. The group questions the absence of Elyn Merielle, who said she would show up to meet the crew, but ultimately chalk it up to a matter of forgetting the place and/or time. To Yayonzo, this is not much of a surprise. Sasori is introduced to Emma for the first time, and the two quickly bond over their enjoyment of teasing Yayonzo over his height. Despite his best attempts to maintain a professional and respectable figure, he ultimately gives up and simply relays a basic introduction to the others. It's learned that those who join the company are encouraged to have at least some experience in combat, and the Twin Adder will be providing chocobos to make transportation easier.

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EVENT 1-1, Putting the Wheels in Motion
Location: South Shroud, Quarrymill
Date/Time: February 18, 8:30EST

Preview: Now that most of the crew as been acquaintanced, the time has finally come for their first official mission as a team. It's been a few weeks since Yayonzo, Sasori, and Emma met up to discuss the ins and outs of the job, and roughly a week and a half since Aveline and Gilmina were added to the Coterie's roster. Since then, everyone has been handling menial deliveries around the area to get them used to the idea of handling mail. Nothing, up until this point, has been risky or dangerous in any way.

Yayonzo feels the time has come to gather the troops and set out on their first major delivery. The recipient is a resident of the South Shroud's Quarrymill, and thus, the party will need to travel quite a bit farther than usual in order to complete the task at hand. It's a simple job that the crew should be more than capable of handling, so long as the path stays clear and any unexpected danger stays far away from the new band of adventurers. In theory, it should be a breeze...

Participants: Yayonzo Poponzo, Emma Vikhrov, Elyn Merielle, Gilmina Graeme, Aveline Rose


Recap: After a few weeks of training the new couriers for their tasks ahead, Yayonzo decides it's finally time to judge their talents first-hand. He selects a delivery of higher importance for some members of the company to complete, and the party sets out on the backs of their chocobos.

It doesn't take long for the party to sense trouble, as they pass by a broken down and recently looted house along the way. This sets the tone for the adventure to come, and the group continues on with an off-putting presence looming in the backs of their minds. They pass through a small town along the way, and the faces of those around them seem to reflect the prior scene; something is definitely wrong around here, but the group decides to push onward, as they were only a few minutes away from their delivery destination.

Not much time passes before they come face-to-face with the source of the distress. A group of bandits happens to be looting a broken-down wagon just outside of town, posing an immediate threat to the couriers present. Their focus quickly shifts to the parcel they'd been commissioned to deliver, and a fight breaks out amongst the opposing parties over tis contents. Ultimately, the Rosewood Post is able to fend off the gang of bandits with ease, with everyone contributing their fair share during the fight. Gilmina ends up being the only injury amongst the group after taking an arrow to the arm. The sight of her own blood combined with the stress of the situation causes her to faint during the action, but the party manages to get her back home safely.

After the fighting had subsided, Aveline posed a question that left the leader stumped. Was this, in fact, a deliberate plan to rob the couriers of their package? Was it merely a coincidence that they were walking the same path as a group of loot-happy bandits? Nobody seems to have an answer. Everyone can only hope that the latter was true, and that their encounters with these shady figures have come to a close...

Edited by Sonnet
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EVENT 1-2, Where There's Smoke...

Location: The Rosewood Retreat, Lavender Beds

Date/Time: February 26, 8:00 EST
Preview: After dealing with an unexpected bandit attack, Yayonzo and Emma have spent some time looking into the specifics of their encounter. Finally, they're ready to bring the full crew together for a full conversation about what happened, and how the Coterie plans to move forward. Yayonzo has invited the staff to join him in the Retreat's new lounge area in the basement for this discussion, which should be a simple briefing on he and Emma's findings, barring any unexpected occurrences...

Participants: Yayonzo Poponzo, Emma Vikhrov, Sasori Qestir, Elyn Merielle, Gilmina Graeme, Aveline Rose


Recap: After dealing with a seemingly random bandit encounter, Yayonzo calls his crew together in order to help break the situation down. Neither he nor Emma is entirely sure why or how everything turned out the way it did, but they choose to believe that it was merely a matter of coincidence. Yayonzo asks if anyone is shaken, and needs to step down from their position, but nobody steps forth to say yes. Assuming the worst of it is behind them, the crew ends up making small talk as they get to know a little more about Sasori.

Just as everyone is starting to get comfortable, Yayonzo is halted during a trip upstairs by three burly newcomers. They claim to be adventurers seeking out a delivery service, and decided on entrusting the Rosewood Coterie with their documents after hearing about their run-in with the looters. A few notice their hidden weapons, and others start to break apart their suspicious alibi. Eventually, the group gets the newcomers to admit that they had ties to that group of bandits, and wanted the Coterie to deliver some questionable documents on their behalf. Refusal wasn't an option, as they'd come with numbers to enforce the request. As it sat, the Coterie had no choice but to oblige...

It's a sticky situation to say the least, but none of the members are happy about where they stand. The time will come where they decide to take a stand, but today is not that day.

Edited by Sonnet
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