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Veteran RPer - Open Concept

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  • MMORPG background


What can I say, I've played them all.  From ALFA Neverwinter Nights to Ultima Online, from Secret World to Pathfinder Online.  I played the Matrix MMO, and I participated in the beta for City of Heroes.  If there's an MMO out there, I was probably RPing in it at some point in time.  Particular highlights include running Nation in City of Villains (I was Black Agony), and Eks Sybarra in EQII.


  • RP experience


All of the RP experience.  Since my cousin introduced me to gaming in 1990 I've been RPing ever since.  I currently am a venture lt for PFS at my FLGS.


  • Character ideas/info


Now here there be dragons.  I've never played FFIV before, and I have little knowledge about the world.  I'm a lore hound, though, and a hardcore RPer, prefering to handle everything in the game, through the game engine, by the lore of the game world wherever and however possible.  In character is where the love happens, and while I understand some of the need for OOC permissions and consents, I've also happily played games in which PvP is the rule of the day, and consent is solely for out of character issues.  I take my IC lumps and I roll with them, and it all usually works out for the best when everything is handled from the character's perspective...


But right now my character doesn't have a perspective.  I don't have a character.  Here's where you come in.  Anyone looking for a brother?  Long lost aunt?  Estranged parent back from the dead?  Does your guild need a doctor?  Is there a shocking lack of normal un-mary-sue soldiers in your guild?  Do you need a baseline thief to run scams for your criminal empire?  I'm downloading the game even now, because without a roleplaying network to give my characters meaning,, to give me the mental and emotional entertainment that RP brings, MMOs quickly lose interest for me.  I am walking in right now Tabula Rasa, and if there's anything you need or want, now's your chance to interest me with a pitch!


  • How did you learn about the coalition?


I literally googled 'FFIV roleplaying community'.  This was the best of the first five results.


  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)


Ultra heavy.  Plutonium density ultra heavy extra IC please-more RP.


  • Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)


Martial artist, author, gamer, Australian transplant, hentai, GM and Storyteller, aspiring third party author, and much, much more!


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