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Hello hello! : ) My name's Lain. I played the game until right around when Heavensward came out with my WoW guildies, but I quit right after beating the initial 3.0 story. I am back and just got into Stormblood last weekend! 


I am on Balmung as Lain Burwani (bard) and I'm rambling about on Mateus and Jenova with some alts (because Balmung is on one heck of a lock down). I haven't RPed in any games for far too long, though I played WoW for an uncomfortably long amount of time and RPed there for years and years. I also played Wildstar and Guild Wars 2, but it was hard for them to hold my fancy. I've always come back to FFXIV in spurts because I adore the look and feel of it. As I've gone completely cold-turkey on WoW, I'm hoping to make this MMO my more permanent home. 


I look forward to meeting all of you! Or re-meeting as the case may be. I am kind of gun shy and still getting used to the game again, but everyone has been quite friendly and helpful. 

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Welcome back!


If you need any help with unlocking stuff, roulettes, or just getting back into the RP scene with some RP; feel free to add me!  There's plenty of other people in this community that I know would be more than happy to help as well!

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14 minutes ago, Zeris said:

Welcome back!


If you need any help with unlocking stuff, roulettes, or just getting back into the RP scene with some RP; feel free to add me!  There's plenty of other people in this community that I know would be more than happy to help as well!


Thank you! I will definitely keep you in mind. : D I need all the help I can get, haha!

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