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And the NPC is back (on Mateus).

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Hello everyone.

I'm sure many of you remember me, even if you think you haven't.  Once upon a time I made a point of playing NPCs, with 7 alts and the willingness to be whatever was needed, life was good to me.  

Tl;Dr Roleplayer offering NPC services

This was on Balmung.

Then school and life happened, and things hadn't calmed down for a quite a bit.  but now it's finally getting there.

About me:

I play NPCs, and really enjoy it.  I don't mind my characters being killed if needed for plot, because that's how it works sometimes.  I've done one shot adventures where I've been a corrupt officer arresting a FC member and I've done months long stories where I just kept appearing.  I've been a streetear, I've been a scientiest, and I've enjoyed them all.

On my main I've made it a point to do every quest, peruse every lore book, and stay on top of the forums of what's decided.

Major roles I've played
A would a be assassin who incited an FC war (with full communication with both FC leaders about what they wanted (because they wanted the war))
A spy waitress who worked in a rival bar for months on end.
An Uld'ahn streetear who just sat in the Quicksands and traded secrets he learned.
An Ishgardian knight bent on taking down some heretics (especially proud of this one tbh)
A pet merchant. (was short and silly but fun)

Once upon a time I charged gil for my services, but quite frankly I don't need gil, and I've been gone too long so I don't feel I deserve it anyway, besides I don't have the variety of alts at my disposal at the moment anyway.

My rules.

I don't attack with the intent to injure or kill someone without their consent.  Usually this comes as a whisper first.
I don't give out any information about who hired me OoC.  ICly...well, depends on who hired  me ICly
We make a contract of what you want to see happen first after that, it's free form for me.
I don't run the story arch if that's where it's going.

If this sounds like something interesting you or your FC needs please message me here and we'll talk.  I've still got some characters on Balmung, but my time and energy is being spent on Mateus.

Thank you all, and happy hunting.

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