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Last RPed in a MMORPG way back in Matrix Online


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Howdy! I'm a newcomer to FFXIV, still deciding whether to commit to the game and poking around to get the lay of the friendly casual RP scene. I used to only do heavy RP, but it's been years now since those days and I'm ready for something more chill and "Hey, let's look at the cool scenery and explore the lore and chat IC or OOC or whatever in the moment."


  • MMORPG Background: Uh. I've been in MMORPGs since EverQuest (with several years-long hiatuses). I was a very committed heavy roleplayer in a small crew/guild back during The Matrix Online's brief lifetime, did a little bit of RP in City of Heroes before fading out of that game, never got into World of Warcraft (though I've tried it), and have poked my nose into various other games over the years. The only one that ever 'stuck' for me was Matrix Online. I'm generally a casual player who enjoys exploring and socializing more than combat/PvP/raiding/what-have-you.
  • RP experience: One or two years of heavy RP in The Matrix Online, including out-of-game writing and play-by-posts. Three or four years of play-by-post and chat roleplay around various fandoms and universes, as well.
  • Character ideas/info: I'm pretty taken with my Hyur Highlander archer. I'm not far enough in the game yet to have enough lore knowledge to really build him out, but I generally imagine I'd play him as laidback and kind and enjoying the seafood and views in Limsa. Probably someone who enjoys using his hands to do work out in nature, so I'll build up some crafting skills for him in time. I've done my years playing high-drama complicated characters and now I mostly want to chill and be optimistic and well-adjusted IC, sit in some chairs in neat spots, hang out and watch the virtual world go by.
  • How did you learn about the coalition? A more experienced player acquaintance of mine pointed me this way!
  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Definitely light. Eorzea's just a pretty world and it's a shame not to imagine what characters might think of it! But I want to be able to come and go as I choose and not be obligated to any plots.
  • Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? I can read German, English, and Spanish, so multilingual groups would be fine/interesting. As an LGBTQ person, my characters almost always lean LGBTQ, so I'd be most comfortably hanging out with an LGBTQ-friendly group that's as inclusive of the B and the T as of the L and G.


If you see me kicking around Gilgamesh, I'm still on the free trial so I can't send tells, but don't hesitate to say hello!


- Berlin

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