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mateus | new to rping on ffxiv


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and well, new to ffxiv in general. only started a couple of days ago ( with the free trial via steam ), and i'm really enjoying the game so far with plans to continue playing when the trial runs out. i'm relatively new to rping on mmos now, i think the last time i did it was about ten years ago, and that was with irl friends--  so i know nothing about trying to meet with people online and trying to set these up or the rules and manners to approach people in-game. so any tips would definitely be helpful! same with just tips on playing ffxiv, as my last mmo was guild wars 2 ( before it became f2p ) and even that i played super casually and never reached end-game.


server | mateus

main | faythe hatkah


i also have a tumblr under herfaythe, if anyone is interested in the slow growth of faythe, as well as interactions. i'm hoping to rp with her through the game and tumblr.  😆




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Welcome to the RPC xodox!
If you're looking for an FC you're welcome to check out the one I run; http://uranami-onsen.tumblr.com 
But if you've found yourself in one you're more than welcome to visit our establishment which is an onsen and izakaya. 
We have Thursday events which are quite busy but we're open Tues-Sat in-game feel free to stop by. :)

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4 hours ago, Fox said:

Welcome to the RPC xodox!
If you're looking for an FC you're welcome to check out the one I run; http://uranami-onsen.tumblr.com 
But if you've found yourself in one you're more than welcome to visit our establishment which is an onsen and izakaya. 
We have Thursday events which are quite busy but we're open Tues-Sat in-game feel free to stop by. :)

thank you! i'll definitely take a look! just taking a quick glance and it already looks fun and bright!

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