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Hellu o/ Another RP ultra-newbie here

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MMORPG background

FFXIV was my first MMO. A friend got me into it shortly after ARR was released. Still primarily the only MMO I play, though I am also on Warframe quite a bit if that counts 😛


RP experience

Very very little as far as fantasy goes. TBH, most of my experience is in IRL-based ERP


Character ideas/info

My main character is Aislen Iwarra. She's a 29 year old Midlander. I've barely begun to develop her story and personality, as I'm completely new to IC RP


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be?

Definitely light to begin with, but a potential for medium depending. I don't see myself ever doing heavy RP.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing?

Pretty typical for this crowd really. 80% geek, so all the movies/tv and gaming, little bit of anime. Some crafty stuff here and there, and getting more into the magic(k)al side of life every day. My top 4 movies of all time are Lord of the Rings (counts as one 😉), Blade Runner 2049, Ghost in the Shell (live action), and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. Should give you a decent starting picture of what I'm into 🙂

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