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[Aether] Looking for connections.

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So, I've been wanting to rp in game for a while and I think I'm at a spot I can start. My character is a Viera whose in game name is Alyria however I'm planning to change that as soon as the naming conventions come out. For now I want her to be known as Reijna. I just dont have the funds to change her name then be forced to change it again when the naming conventions are released. 


I would like to rp in game, though I'm willing to rp elsewhere as well. I prefer plot and actual substance to posts. I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna get bored real quick if you only reply to me in single sentences and offer nothing to the conversation. Also I want to make one thing real clear. I will not be a part of ANY ERP. This isn't to say I'm against romance, I just don't wanna erp no matter what the circumstances. I'm just not interested. 


My dream roleplay would be something with a storyline, maybe some adventuring/hunting. My character is actually going to be based in the first... mostly because I fell in love with Fanow. A quick history is that she was born and raised there but always had a dream of exploring the world and seeing what lay beyond. She never had the courage to leave until one day she came across an adventurer who told her stories that piqued her interest to the point she made the decision to leave. ffxiv_07072019_170457_319.png


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