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New Arrival to the Forums (Diabolos)

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Greetings. I'd like to start by saying thanks for putting together such a wonderful community for finding like-minded individuals in a game I have quickly grown to love. Out of character I can go by Squeeks or Ryan. Either is fine with me.  

MMORPG background: 

I've been playing games of all types for quite a long time. My first foray into MMORPG would have been original WoW but I've played a large number of different games over the years. Most have never been able to hold my attention for long but FF14 stands to be the first that I may be into long-term. This is generally possible because of the community of players in the game and how easy it is to take part in group content. I'm not hoping to get into the RP community as its a part of the MMORPG experience that I've been missing out on.


RP experience

I've been RPing for over 2 decades in various formats. Of course there are Table-top RPGs like Star Wars and D&D but I've also been involved in several online RP forums doing free-form RP so I've had a chance to work on creating stories with others from just a narrative standpoint. RP experience in a game like this is almost non-existant but I'm willing to bring what I know to 


Character ideas/info:

My main for the moment is a Xaela Au Ra named Jiinu, who has a bit of a stoic and unemotional response to most things going on around her, having experienced a great number of terrible things in her childhood especially with her forays into dark magic. Some times she is known to have a dark sense of humor but rarely show it to those she is not close with. I have other character ideas that I may be willing to start if there are players out there looking to play with a certain type of character. Playing something male may be a bit easier for me as well as it is closer to my own experience but I went with an Au Ra initially because they are just so darn cute.


How did you learn about the coalition?

While googling for RP communities in my world, this forum naturally popped up.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy):

I will likely be a medium level RPer in general. As I am trying to advance through the rest of the game to unlock content it is my primary concern however if a group wants to try to get together to run something I will try to drop whatever it is I'm doing to participate. I will probably not be IC at all times but if i'm interacting with someone I know to be in the community I will remain IC unless they say they don't wish to play. 


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.):
There isn't much for me to say here. I spent many years in the military so I will understand references to that sort of thing. I've been gaming my entire life and generally think I'm pretty good at it. I'm generally looking to play with people who are emotionally mature (not just looking for 'adults'), someone who understands why some jokes may not be funny to some people and don't really want to have awkward conversations with people who just don't get it. I'm not against political conversations but would prefer they don't interrupt anything that's currently going on and are held privately. 


Hope to see some of you in game and happy gaming.

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