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Hello :)  You can call me Aigi, I'm a returning player but honestly I'm still new. I played for a 1-2 months a few years ago and it looks like I have a character on Balmung and Mateus which is awesome since it looks like they are locked now. I'm hoping to make new friends while I relearn everything. 


MMORPG background

I used to play WoW and GW2 consistently until a combination of life and boredom hit me.


RP experience

Nearly all of my experience is from GW2, I played the game for 6 years. I have experience in quite a bit of different RP styles. 


Character ideas/info

My main's name is Aigiarn Qestir on Mateus, according to the tribe lore they don't speak. So I think it's going to be really fun and challenging to use body language and emotes compared to speaking. That's all I have for now. 


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be?

I'd be considered a light roleplayer as of right now, I want to focus more on learning the game and lore before I really get into it but I would like to make connections along the way. 


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing?

I'm 29 and married. :)

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