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Looking to Fit In

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I am here, and I am Arylett. Hello. Been wanting to get into FF14 roleplay for the longest time, but I've been on servers that don't support that. With the crossworld feature, it's become easier, but I'm stuck on Hyperion/Primal. So I don't know how much this place will cater to me. Not only that, but I get the feeling this place is really lore-heavy, which is not something I'm too interested in adhering to strictly. Still, thought I'd give it a shot.

MMORPG background

Only FF14. I've been playing it since the start of Heavensward. Tried other MMOs and they all fell by the wayside. I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan, so that's probably why I'm able to stick with it. 

RP experience

I've been text roleplaying on forums and chats on and off for around 17 years. MMO roleplaying, on the other hand, is completely foreign to me.

Character ideas/info

Kind of struggling here. Basically, what inspired me to start roleplaying again was a combination of a failed roleplay about something else, and Shadowbringers' story being very impactful to me. I love the world of the First, and I have ideas of my character being a naive yet intellectual Eulmoran rich girl who is quite curious and trying her best to find a purpose or use in her life. The problem is that everyone else's characters are in the Source... which honestly, I don't care for nearly as much. (I was really not too invested in the story before Shadowbringers, honestly. I still watched cutscenes and such, but it never made me feel much of anything.) I was thinking of changing it to Sharlayan though. 

And... I had some other crazy ideas, but I've had to tone them down and remove a lot of them. So this is all I'm left with. 

How did you learn about the coalition?

Known about it for years. I did a Google search a long time ago to study FF14 roleplaying.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be?

Medium. I value commitment and skill most of all, and can be very intense once I actually get invested.

My style, well, I'm not certain it fits into this culture. I've tried some in-game roleplays and most of them are about taverns and parties and slice of life stuff. I'm more into grand fantastical storylines, involving magical powers that threaten to corrupt or transform characters (one of my ideas for my character, by the way), dramatic things like that. With dynamic, interpersonal relationships and character development as well. Basically, something like the plot of a typical Final Fantasy game.

Don't really give too much of a flip about lore, honestly. If something generally makes sense, I'll accept it. (I'm pretty forgetful when it comes to the lore of this game as well... there's just too much to keep track of.) 

And I don't care for battle systems involving dice, or D&Dlike things. I'd rather just write it out like a normal story.

Most of my experience has been doing such with small groups of people. I'm willing to branch out and try new things, of course.

I don't mind just going the text RP route though. I still find in-game roleplay to be awkward and weird.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? 

I'm married and my husband is basically my best friend, and so if you speak to me for some period of time... it is immensely likely that he will be mentioned at some point. He plays the game with me all the time, and we're married in-game too. I also have the ability to draw moderately decent art. Other than that, there is very little to note of my physical meat existence.




There you go. Words emitted forth from a stranger. Allow your mind to take them into account. Or maybe not, who knows?

Edited by Arylett Charnoa
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