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[Crystal] male Miqo'te looking for long term romance

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Amund Valdir


Keepers of the Moon
Apparent Age: 25
Height: 5'7

Server: Malboro

Discord: Amund#7060

Amund's Carrd Profile


What I am looking for:

Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to read! My name is Amund, I am a fairly new RPer to Final Fantasy XIV, but I have experience dating back to the old AOL chatroom days. I am looking for a long term romance for my character. Mainly wholesome and sweet. ERP is okay as long as the lead in is natural and it makes sense. I am mainly looking for other Miqo'te and Vierra.


You don't have to be on the same server, but it would be nice. Strict adherence to the lore of the game isn't required, but some knowledge is expected. 


RP Preferences:

Discord or in game.


Short About: 

Amund is a Keeper of the Moon with no knowledge of his past. Once he was Odin's Sundered for an unknown amount of time, but was willingly released by the Elder Primal after finding a better host. From there he became a Dark Knight in Ishgard with the guilt of killing an unknown amount of innocents fueling his desire to give back. Before aiding in the liberation in Doma, he decided to pursue the healing arts and found that he was a better Scholar than a Dark Knight. As skilled as he was as a Scholar, his dyslexia has always been a hurdle that he had to overcome, but his altruistic nature helped him persevere.


Nowadays, he spends his time in Shirogane, hoping to start a family that he longs to have. All the while, he heals other adventurers as a combat medic and acts as a doctor to those who come knocking on his door.


How to contact:

On here, Discord or in game. Discord or in game are the most reliable ways to contact me since I am mainly on there

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