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[Crystal/Malboro] Engineer Looking for Connections!

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Name: Sami
Server: Malboro (Crystal)
Timezone: AZ/PST

Looking For: Long term or casual RPs in-game or Discord!
Type: Casual, Romantic, Anything really!
Available Hours: On most times of day, always free on discord 😄


Contact Info:
Discord: Sami#1518
IGN: Zavanis Lumireis


Hi all! I'm fairly new to RP, only done so a few times in a small group. I'm looking for some friends and mentors to help me learn more about RP! I'm open to any kind of rp really!


Zav's Backstory: 

Born to Noelle and Fredmond Lumireis, she grew up in the Red Rooster Farm settlement. After the calamity hit, the land became unsustainable for crops and cattle. The Lumireis' inherited Fredmond's family home after his parents passed away. Noelle was unable to bring any money in from the farms, having to rely on Fredmond's cashflow as a Maelstrom officer. People got desperate in the city due to the tough economy and he eventually lost his life to a drunkard. Completely lost in the world, Noelle holed herself up in the house letting what little they had wither and die. Zavanis, was 16 and ended up leaving home to try and salvage things. She went to the Drydocks to try and secure a job on a fishing boat. Where she ended up looking into shipwright work, leading her back to Limsa.

She became an employee of Naldiq & Vymelli's. Her work lead her to many places throughout Eorzea. Upon discovering the world of Airships, she turned her attention to studying Cid Garlond's work. Eventually this lead her to accompany a group of adventurers headed for Ishgard. There she was able to gain a new cashflow in supplying gear for the men and women heading to battle in the Dragonsong War.

Upon making her return to Eorzea, she settled on forming her own workshop, known today as The Synth Workshop. She set roots in The Lavender Beds of Gridania. Today she offers services in Airship travel to adventurers and militery personel. As well as, trains novice builders that join her shop.


My Hooks:

Crafting - In need of some repairs? Looking for an airship of some kind? Or maybe just looking for a job? Start up a conversation of this sorta and Zav will have a grand time helping you.

Ishgard - Zav has found herself currently going back and forth from Ishgard for some supplies. Maybe you live there and could help her with finding her way.

Adventure - In the near future she's looking to travel to the Diadem. She could possibly be looking for a group to assist her while in this dangerous place. Shes capable at healing but not much of a fighter.


Hope to hear for someone soon! Lots of love!~





Edited by Zavanis
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