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Balmung Locked?

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I heard a rumor that Balmung was going to be locked to new players after release for  up to 6 months.  Anyone heard anything about that?  


This concerns me as most the people in my Free Company are new players and if we can't all play on the same server...then we would have to choose a new one.

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The only things we know for certain at this point about Balmung are that:


  • Currently, at this point in beta 3, you can't create new characters on that server while they test server stability and the copy/import process. EDIT: As noted below, the restriction was lifted for this test, so you can create new characters on Balmung now.
  • Once server transfers are available, you can't transfer off Balmung to any server that isn't also tagged "Legacy".


I seriously doubt they're going to lock the Legacy servers away from new characters, since the small population of 1.x would mean those servers would essentially be dead.

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I heard a rumor that Balmung was going to be locked to new players after release for  up to 6 months.  Anyone heard anything about that?  


This concerns me as most the people in my Free Company are new players and if we can't all play on the same server...then we would have to choose a new one.


I think someone heard things wrong and rearranged it.


Current status:


- You can create new characters on Balmung and new players can join it. They actually just made it available starting this weekend testing phase.


- The 6 month thing was mentioned in another way. S-E mentioned that people on "LEGACY" servers will most likely only be able to transfer to "NON-LEGACY" servers(aka the new ones) after a period of 6 months. This is to allow the new servers to be untouched by the legacy players until they are at the same level..


In short, new players can always join Balmung unless the server is full.

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Well, thank you for your replies.  I feel much better now.



I was getting a little nervous.  Our guild has grown so much and the game isn't even out yet and it would be rather devastating if we had to move.




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Thanks as well.  We had the same question.  Thus far I am the only 1.0 player in our fledgling Free Company.  We wanted to be where the RP is, but feared the server being locked out, causing mass confusion and player split.


...of course a dedicated RP server would be ideal... ;)

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