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FFXIV Emote Videos

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Browsing around both here, and the Core, and the 'pedia I realized a video I've drooled over hasn't been shared along with one other. Those of us not in the beta as well as others that have just heard of this game should be able to enjoy these. :bounce:



⢠Sun Seeker Miqo'te emotes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5TxkqHP8Wk

(there's a slight lag in the sound on this video. I don't think the player had the best sound card option or when it uploaded there was a delay)


⢠Midland Hyur female emotes:


⢠Roegadyn Seawolf (?) emotes:


⢠Lalafell male: http://www.youtube.com/user/TenchiHawkwing#p/u/7/cTBY_2iPUHQ

(The camera was too far back for me to be able to really tell if he was a Dunesfolk or Plainsfolk Lala. Sorry!)



The same channel with the Hyur female emotes also has demonstraitions of how FFXIV runs with different graphic cards and various options turned on and off. Again, as a none-beta tester I strongly suggest checking these out if you wanna compare systems with actual gameplay before you invest. It has given me way more confidence in my set up, despite it's somewhat average score of 2500 on LOW.

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