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RP is Fun! ... Right?


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I've always had a challenge RPing in MMOs. I've done table top RPing for years but cant seem to elicit the same satisfaction online. Maybe its the lack of a GM or someone to set some kind of rules.


I have found that unfortunately the strength of a game's RP community is inversely proportional to the success of its gameplay. I think this is mainly because, like the OP said, if the game isn't fun itself, people end up making their own fun. One caveat to this, is that the game's lore has to also be someone in depth or creative enough to support the rp.


That being said, I am interested in seeing how involved RP will be in FFXIV 2.0. From what I have seen thus far, they are mirroring a lot more the things that made FFXI so satisfying as a game. As a long time FFXI player (7~8 years staring from NA launch) I can say that RP didn't really exist there, but because of how engaging and demanding the game was, people sort of became their characters anyway.


That might sound hard to understand, but your ooc self and character sort of blended. e.g. You had a reputation, people knew you as your character name, because with no need to alt, you were the same character all the time and connected with it-you were it. And because each class took skill to play, if you were a good ninja, YOU were actually a good ninja, for real! Same for Crafting or even wealth. To this day I have good relationships with people I know only by their in game name.


Thus far, FFXIV appears to be shaping up to be a pretty good game and I wonder if history will repeat itself. Can anyone else identify with that I'm talking about? Or perhaps i'm just growing old and obsolete. 8-)

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I had about six paragraphs typed up and realized that I wasn't saying much of anything that someone else hasn't already said. So here's the super-revised version. RP is supposed to be fun and it's up to you to make that fun. It is impossible not to put a part of yourself into your RP. Even if you're just goofing off, you're placing a part of yourself that needs to cut loose into your character. The role you're playing may be nothing like you at all but it's still a reflection of something that you want to experience. Your mood will ebb and flow with what you allow yourself to take part in, so just RP responsibly as with all things in life. I am of the mind that nothing worth having in life ever comes easily. This belief is ever present in my RP. I don't save the world and eat candy for three square meals on a daily basis. I don't let myself get dragged into endless drama from which there is no return. And this seems to be a common style in this thread, so I'm hoping for some very wonderful RP in the very near future.


Always, always, always remember that your RP is just a game. Always. This can be difficult for some. You're putting a part of yourself on display and if someone attacks your creation you have to exercise restraint or you'll become hurt. Likewise, if someone responds very favorably to your creation then you can get the wrong idea about how that person feels about you. Some people require more OOC interaction than others to keep things straight. Just please, whatever you do, keep sight on the difference between IC and OOC. Lose track of the line and you'll find that you're inadvertently participating in that "outside" game rather than the one you thought you were playing. When it stops being fun, time to unplug.

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Which side of the egg shall we open first?


As noted, there are many different tastes and flavors of RP, but one thing I don't see much attention paid to is the OOC communication.  If you are going to develop deep RP ties between characters, you as players, must make sure you are on the same page.  I have seen too many circumstances where one player makes a decision all on their own, that leaves the other dazed, confused and blindsided.  You make this whole path together, but you feel you have the right to just destroy what both of you made?


As has been mentioned, if RP is not fun for you, they don't do it.  Instead look inside and see if you can figure out why.  And as mentioned in an earlier post, this is where linkshells/free companies come into play.  Find a like-minded company and your most frequent traveling partners will be in the same mindset as you.


I think we face enough problems without turning on one another.  We're a small enough community, let's focus on something more important.

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What if what you personally consider fun isn't all sunshine and rainbows? Honestly that kind of RP really irritates the hell out of me, so I tend to try and avoid where it tends to show up. People all have their own versions of what is and isn't fun and the only thing you can do about it is just try to find other RPers that fit your taste, rather than suggest RP as a whole should be more of one way or the other.


Our lives are depressing and lonely enough.


I see this come up a lot and it's really starting to beg the question of: How many of us don't RP to escape the real world, but more just because we enjoy making stories? I understand that life's hard and believe me, I've been through my fair (...or probably not so fair) share of shit, but expecting any a specific sort of tone out of a large group of people is just crazy. I'd suggest getting some escapism in something more concrete like a book or a single player game, because without a doubt, no matter who you play with, you're going to end up going through some kind of RP experience not exactly feeling the way you wanted. I'm not saying this'll be all experiences, but it's bound to happen eventually.


I have met a lot of RPers who act like they have something to prove. Like their RP or their style is superior in some sort of way.


I'm guessing this is more pointed at people who prefer more detailed, grittier RP. In which case, I'd have to say ...no. There's no proving anything to anyone. We all RP in the style we enjoy being a part of and nothing else.


So, like I said, maybe you're just in with the wrong people? Obviously by the responses, there are plenty of people here who also want some happy fun time RP. Band together and get to it!

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Even dark and gritty RP is an escape. J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were in a writing club together and they had very different approaches to their fantasy novels. Tolkien was of the mind that fantasy was not for children. And while The Hobbit is childish in some respects, The Lord of the Rings is very much geared toward adults. In fact, the series is so dark that at many points most of the characters actually lose hope and accept defeat. Only by being lifted up by the minority are they able to press forward. The Chronicles of Narnia carries a sense of hope throughout, even if a couple of characters might stumble along the way.


Tolkien was not a fan of Narnia even though he and Lewis were good friends. This should serve as a message to the rest of us. My style may not be your style. I don't think that I'm better than you or that your RP is wrong if you do not RP the same way that I do. I am simply RPing and allowing the story to unfold in the way that is the most fun for me. If my style works for you then great! We will get along famously. If you hate my style then I understand. I might not like some of the books that you read, either, but that doesn't mean that those books have no value. It also doesn't mean that I don't think that you or your RP style have any value. If our RP doesn't mesh then no big deal. You'll play with someone who fits your style better and so will I. Nothing personal. This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just laying this out in a direct method because that's how I tend to write.


I love realistic, gritty RP. If there is no element of realism to the RP then I cannot identify with it and I lose interest. If the RP is always happy-happy-joy-joy all the time then I might as well be watching children's cartoons. Now if that's your style then I mean no offense, I just don't enjoy playing that way. That doesn't make you wrong, and it doesn't make me wrong. It means that we have fun doing different things. So instead of criticizing others for their different styles, just have fun doing what you do. Even I, with my dark and gritty RP, enjoy the happy-happy-joy-joy types from time to time. If I'm in a dark place in my life, it's nice to hang with an annoyingly happy person just to open my eyes to the light that's right in front of me.


At the end of the day, this is a game. A game. Just a game. Not real. A game. So make the most of your time in game. Have fun. If you think I'm fun then I look forward to hours of fun with you. If you think that I'm a poo-poo head then... well... sorry. For me, the light cannot be appreciated without the darkness. But too much darkness breeds despair. Don't really know what else to say on the subject except that my RP will never be as abysmal as the Chief's season last year. That was truly a thing of horror.

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^^^^^ That.

I see RPing as more 'reality in another world' than 'playacting on a stage'.

I like being faced with reality and consequences for my character's actions and/or mistakes. I... honestly.... get annoyed if my character makes some big faux pas- and it's just brushed aside. I... -want- to get into trouble, I -want- to own up to my screw ups. I WANT confrontation if I deserve it. 

But people are (globally) afraid of OOC offending folks. Because sooo many people cannot find that line between IC and OOC. Because of that, I am a picky RPer. I need to know and trust those I will RP with OOC to be decent folks that understand who I am OOC- and not get all ticked and offended if my character is a jerk IC... and vice versa.

Especially since I'm not opposed to more violent or mature RP situations.

If I know *you* are a cool person OOC and can keep the IC separate from the OOC and communicate well? Well... I feel I can just cut loose and throw junk your way for you to parry or throw back at me. I can be an IC jerk... or do things that my OOC self would go "OMG... no way!" and both *you* and I can laugh behind the screen and enjoy the mess the characters have gotten themselves into.


Yeah... RL sucks sometimes- but sometimes, the best way to *deal* with the RL crap is to RP it out in a "safe" way. SAY what you want to say to the person that's stressing you, DO what you want (that you maybe can't IRL) to vent out that frustration/pain/anger/etc. This is a legit psychological therapy (called *wait for it* ROLEPLAY therapy!). So yah... some of us want to escape the Real World and live in Happy Land (not said to be insulting, just a classification) to deal with our issues (you create a Safe Place in which to 'live'- also a legit stress management, psychological technique- especially people that deal with abuse wherein the 'drama' that some RP entails can trigger very RL feelings).

Whereas others of us want to live in "Conflict" and "Risk"... to get our thrills. Even if we are in crappy situations IRL- online we can work it out and end up calmer and less stressed.


No one way is right. We are all unique in our thoughts, feelings and stress management techniques, and what we enjoy. We just need to find those that we mesh best with.



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I work in the IT department at a mental health facility. If I ever find out that a therapist is suggesting RP for therapeutic reasons then I'm giving said therapist a cookie. And inviting him/her/it to join us here. :lol:


yeah... granted its used a lot more in kids, it still -IS- a legit therapy.

But, adult people have to feel comfortable enough to do so- otherwise they become self-conscious and feel silly. Of course... that is RP in person. Not anonymously online... where one can truly just 'let it go' and not have to feel self-conscious at all. (B/C they're not 'the show' but... part of 'the show' with everyone else).



Unless you're an actress/actor and... you get paid to do it.... *grins*

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I agree with the sentiment, but roleplay doesn't need to be a chore! In MMO's, a place where text involvement isn't necessarily the core focus of the gameplay, we have to exercise ourselves to becoming better roleplayers on games! A few tips to keep in mind:


1: When in doubt, local. Honestly unless you're screaming for someone it's not very useful to do anything but. Does that mean to roleplay in battle? Perhaps not. Does that mean voice is useless? Of course not. But in the basest terms, local is the way to go if not a community shell.


2: It's okay that you're short for words. When a roleplayers looks at a situation it usually sums up everything into text and then presents it. In an environment that doesn't allow you to effect the setting, you're SOL. But that also means you're safe. Think about it, how are you conversations carried in real life? In real time, with real interruption, and with very little to actually say until you have an opinion. Being short on words or humble is not devaluing roleplay, it is applying it accurately to your situation at hand.


3: Roleplay all the time. I mean, in parties with other people, with strangers in public, with NPCs even if you're just greeting them. Chances are people don't know you're a pile of crap behind that monitor. They can't determine if you're an evil shallow minded heartless son of a bitch any further than they could determine if you're male or female, much less the size of your body parts. If you always act as your character, the only criticisms will be upon your character. Being in the habit usually helps you have a mindset. Business is business such as leveling, and the rest of the time you're on stage. If Broadway can do it three times a day, six days a week, then so can you.


4: Battle roleplay has it's places. I typically imagine myself fighting something in front of me as a Gladiator because I'm weird. But this also brings to mind that when you TP is recharging and you're not doing anything but stabbing something, throw in a shout or statement, don't let yourself get dragged down by the system of it. You're here to experience what they do. Amongst other roleplayers, you'll find friends, and amongst other players who don't, they'll get a laugh out of it. Rule three helps you in this case.


5: Case by case would be easy if you could tell people were acting, wouldn't it? But in the game world people are either there to conduct business as usual, or business as dramatic, and splitting the two isn't usually acceptable because as a player, you're meeting the needs of other players as a team focus. This is easy. Continue as planned, but if they ask you something, give it to them straight. Everyone enjoys different things at different rates.


I'd mention more, but I'd think roleplayers are capable of managing their own time and behavior enough not to self destruct on the matter. Remember, as an individual people aren't inclined to be helpful at all. Establishing who you are as an individual, then letting that go, is how you live happily in a world full of jerks. :D



Hope this was helpful.

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So I realize I should probably just take back a lot of what I've said.


I think I have been doing a bad job of communicating my overall point, so I apologize. Some of the things I said that people have responded to I can easily see how they could mean more than I intended.


I didn't mean for the whole "happy ending" thing to make it sound like everyone should be given a popsicle and a book of poems. It was more my personal opinion on RP that is always depressing and dark and Eeyore. But more so just a happy ending on the OOC side of things. Again, I can't seem to communicate points very well so I apologize.


Really all-in-all I just meant to say that RP should be fun, no matter your styles, preferences, or anything else. I've just been in a lot of communities where everything devolves into fighting over this and that and it isn't fun for me, nor do I see it being fun for the people fighting.


Also, I'll take back completely what I said about RPers that have something to prove. If you think your RP comes off that way, it probably isn't you I was thinking of. I completely did not intend to start an argument or criticize anyone's RP. My frustration over past RPers that I've met who were total jerks came out in that part. But that's life, and my own beef, so I'm sorry that came out sounding like I was criticizing or belittling.


There have been a lot of great lines from this thread, though. I won't quote them all (this is long enough as it is) but I'm surprised at how many times I read something and thought "Hmm. That is a really great way of putting that."


So anyway, I'm all but backing off of any point I was trying to make. I don't want people reading a random post I threw out and thinking, "What in Shatner's wet dream is going on here?"


Much love to you all. Hope to play with some of ya soon.


EDIT: Also forgot to mention, I really did make it seem like I thought RP had to be happy because life sucks. Not what I meant to say. I like my life, and I'm sure most everyone will agree that it has its sucky parts. My point was meant to be that after a day of work or whatever and you're tired and/or stressed, I think the last thing a lot of people would want is to feel stressed from their hobby (aka RP)

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EDIT: Also forgot to mention, I really did make it seem like I thought RP had to be happy because life sucks. Not what I meant to say. I like my life, and I'm sure most everyone will agree that it has its sucky parts. My point was meant to be that after a day of work or whatever and you're tired and/or stressed, I think the last thing a lot of people would want is to feel stressed from their hobby (aka RP)


That's why I play miniature wargames but not in tournaments. :P


Don't worry too much about having your posts misinterpreted though. I mean setting the record straight is alright, of course! Just don't worry too much about it. Happens all the time, especially online. Story of my forum life, really. o_O

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