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Role-playing a Fortune Teller/Seer

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Y'all should work together to make a lore appropriate tarot thing happen, imho. :D

I am definitely going to look into tarot more. Not sure how this will go and I have no promises, but I was thinking something along the line of guild leve cards being used basically. Ones that aren't a job, obviously. 


Perhaps we could tie it into bards and that it is an old tradition or something that bards pass down? Who knows.


I don't know a bunch of the final fantasy lore but I am going to do some research if the tarot thing works out and see how I can write it into the lore without meta-gaming/god-modding. I want it to fit into lore, not write over something else or add to stories where it wouldn't work. So I might need some lore experts to help with that one.

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