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Themes from previous Final Fantasy titles used in FFXIV

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I thought this would be a fun list to make and also see what others can point out. As many of us are aware by now, FFXIV is more or less the love letter to every single Final Fantasy that came before it. While it currently exists within its own universe and has its own lore, it does borrow heavily from previous titles far more than any other title so far. In fact, there are cases where some elements are direct rips from the older games. This is just a fun thread to see how many of the themes from previous games we can list~


Here's a short list of some of the themes I've gathered:


Final Fantasy I:


Garland > Garlond. Also possibly the originating etymology for Garlean. 

Light Warriors > Warriors of Light

Basic jobs - Warrior, Black Mage, White Mage, etc.


Final Fantasy II:


Final Fantasy III: A lot of Allagan background seems to borrow from this game.


Onion Knights (Knights of the Allagan Empire in XIV)

Xandes (First emperor of the Allag in XIV)

Cloud of Darkness

Crystal Tower (Where the tomb of Xandes I is in XIV)

Cid, inventor of airships.


Final Fantasy IV/After Years:


Engineer Cid 

Lesser Red Moon

Bahamut descends from lesser red mood



Final Fantasy V: XIV seems to borrow a bit more from FFV in regards to the Void.


The void




Final Fantasy VI: Garlean Empire seems to borrow a lot from FFVI.


Magitek technology

Gestahlian Empire > Garlean Empire


Final Fantasy VII: A lot of how aether seems to work is very similar to how the life stream functions.


The Life Stream > Aether

Materia and Materia Slots



Final Fantasy VIII:




Final Fantasy IX: 


Mother Crystal...Slightly altered. Mother Crystal in XIV is source of all aether, thus all life. Mother Crystal in IX is the source of the origin of the universe, so again, all life. 


Aaaand that's it for now. I'm currently at work so I don't have much time to add everything I can think of...but that's where you guys step in! C'mon guys, let's see how many older final fantasy elements we can find in XIV!


P.S - I left out mobs and summons simply because those are FF staples. Feel free to add them however.

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Final Fantasy X:


This one is pretty minor, but I believe I've heard mention of "machina" which might have been used in other games, too, but I forget at the moment.


Final Fantasy XII:


The Garlean big wigs have armor similar to the Judges in the Ivalice chain of games.


Final Fantasy XI:


I know I'm being a smart ass, but I have to add it. The races are almost the exact same save for different names, added genders, and the lack of tails on Galk--... Roegadyns.

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