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Why, hello there!

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Why, hello there. 8-)


Nice to finally run into such a large community of RPers--very refreshing.


Anywho, guess I'll get right down to it. It, you ask? But, of course, I mean my stupendous, amazing, ridiculously long-winded and highly articulated introduction!! *Standing ovation, roaring crowds, people frothing at the mouth in anticipation*


Well, there you have it. That's me in a nutshell. Nice to meet you all!


*Logs out*



:bouncy: Sorry, I'm a bit caffeinated.:bouncy:


MMORPG background:

~~Runescape (Does this count?)

~~Lineage 2 (Lionna server For Life!)

~~Warcraft (You knew it was coming)

~~Rift (Rogue tanking was the only draw :angel:

~~Aion (Aerial fighting? Wewt!)

~~Neverwinter (Dungeons and Dragons MMO? I'm Sold!)

~~Star Wars: The Old Republic (Mandalorian RP + Stealth/Healer class? Nerdgasm!)


--RP experience

~~Every game I have played that has an online community and Roleplay. ('Cept Runescape... T_T) I've been in small, medium, large, and superbly large RP guilds that either kept RP in the guild or stretched events that brought in the WHOLE RP COMMUNITY ON THAT SERVER :surprise:. I've never been a guild leader, per se, but I have co-created and officer-held 85% of my RP guilds and would only leave said guilds when the game started falling off or my money did. :frustrated: Damn economy!


While I am not usually in character 24/7 (Logged in, that is) I am always willing and able to drop into that persona at the literal drop of a hat (or in one case a decapitated head :dazed: )


Finally, while I try (rather hard) to not make my characters "over powered", I find that certain mechanics I would throw into their kit, would be useful in a lot of situations. As such, I have been called a god-modder (lies and slander) and a cheat (more lies). Also, as such, I have taken to absorbing criticism and thoughts on how to improve/alter-without-breaking my characters' stories and kits so that these situations do not occur.




--Character ideas/info

~~My thoughts on my character(s) for ARR, are a mix of cliche and hopefully-unique -enough-that-I'm-not-called-out-as-a-complete-copycat thoughts (No offense Miqo'te people).


Seamus Faleer Geldan is the fourth child (Third son) of the wealthy Geldan family of Limsa Lominsa. Known for their highly effective alchemical creations, the Geldan house has grown increasingly wealthy over the last few years. With the influx of adventurers, their business has continued to flourish and expand.


Such a highly respected family, however, has a rather unfortunate secret; rumor had it that the youngest child was actually illegitimate. While the family refuted such claims, Seamus' looks differ from his siblings just enough to give the rumors birth. Knowing the truth--that the Lady Geldan had indeed conceived a child from another, unknown man aside from her husband--the family kept Seamus apart from their daily affairs. Lady Geldan, a woman of impeccable business sense, was not one to let anything go to waste when it could be used for any gain. Thus, Seamus was given the family name, an education (subsidized by his own personal study of music and dance and allowed a hobby of magical study), and a small, but noteworthy inheritance to make him seem an eligible suitor to some of their financial alliances.


Not wanting to simply be 'married off' to whoever his mother chose, Seamus took it upon himself to find his own way in life. Through his studies, he became increasingly enthralled by the world outside his family's estate and the coastal city. So, when he was sixteen years old, he gathered what money and items he could, and ran away from home. Believing him to be only an inconvenience to be gotten rid of eventually, his family let him go his own way with their only warning to not blatantly associate himself with them in the open.


Well, uhm... sorry about all that. My fingers wouldn't stop typing. O.o; But that's the Prologue of sorts to his story. Judging my my scrap notes (mostly on receipt paper from work) the whole story might run into double digit chapters :dazed:.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

~~Truthfully, Google search "Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn RP community". GG, WP


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

~~Heavy. I did mention that 24/7 IC-ness isn't my thing, but heavy RP is. I can 'settle' for Medium RP, but in truth, besides possible separate chat channels for Guild chat/RP chat I don't see a whole lot of difference between the two.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

~~Well, I work at Starbucks. Diploma being used to GREAT effect, ya? :frustrated:

~~Hobbies consist of finding epic fantasy/Sci-Fi novels and devouring them (metaphorically, of course. Paper tastes nasty.)

~~I'm also a self-published author of one novel. (Won't post info on that directly here, this being such an open web forum and my personal info is on that book. :D



Well, there you have it. Me in a very large, wordy, and possibly mildly intriguing nutshell.

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Wow, Seamus, thanks for sharing :P!


Nice list of MMO's and role play, and it looks like you have a pretty solid character concept already. Have you been able to make your character and play in the beta this weekend?


I'm always eager to read the community's written works...hopefully you can grace us with a tale from your character's adventures some day :D


Good luck, and I hope to meet you in game :thumbsup: !

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I tried to get into the beta, and am still trying. But the bloody servers are so packed I can't get into either of the ones mentioned as RP central :cry:


And yea, as I write the complete story, I'll definitely post it on whatever guild's forum I'm on... and probably here too. ^_^ Hate to deny the public a chance to bask in my greatness!!!!!!



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