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I am terrible at intros, fair warning!


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Thank goodness there is a provided template, haha! Anyroad, I'm Renliss. Feel free to call me whatever variation you'd like (Liss, Lissy, Ren) I tend to answer to all of them.


MMORPG background: I've played WoW, Dungeons and Dragons Online, a bit of Neverwinter, City of Heroes, DC Universe Online, Champions Online, RIFT, All Points Bulletin, Final Fantasy XIV, The Secret World, and The Old Republic. While I have played all of these, I am in no way 'versed' in them the way most people are; I just tend to hang around and RP haha.


RP experience: I've been RPing on various mediums for around 14 years now. Started with forum RP, which I prefer, but I have delved into In-Game RP, chat RP over Skype and similar programs, and tabletop D&D-style RP.


Character ideas/info: Not too many as of yet, since I am terrible with lore haha. My only character at the moment is Rico Rothburg, a giant of a knight displaced since the events 5 years ago.


How did you learn about the coalition: A friend of mine knows I like to RP, so they sent me the link.


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be: I am medium to heavy in terms of RP style, whichever my time allows haha.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing: Currently going to school for Animation/game design and I am a sucker for D&D/Pathfinder. If I could, I would just play Pathfinder all day every day. xD



So yeah! Lookin' to make some friends and enjoy some arr pees. Hope to see y'all in game!

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Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing: Currently going to school for Animation/game design and I am a sucker for D&D/Pathfinder. If I could, I would just play Pathfinder all day every day. xD



Oh how I wish professional table top gamer was a legitimate career path.  Welcome to the community!

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Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing: Currently going to school for Animation/game design and I am a sucker for D&D/Pathfinder. If I could, I would just play Pathfinder all day every day. xD



Oh how I wish professional table top gamer was a legitimate career path.  Welcome to the community!


I would be all over that career choice.

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