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Trust No One!

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Introduction post!


Through the powers of friendship and cautious approval, I am one of many from an eight year old gaming community that is deciding to branch out from World of Warcraft and into Final Fantasy XIV.  I've been a roleplayer since the first time I opened up the Red Box.  From tabletop to Prodigy Classic to MMOs and their community sites - whatever game I play I enjoy immersing myself in the lore and the environment.


Over the next week, I'm sure to post some stories (read: 1), though my forte on the forums is usually game design and encounter mechanics.  For roleplaying, I always prefer in-game interactions - especially when out and about adventuring.  Anyone can write words, but the real challenge is writing words while trying to smash face!


I look forward to the Gala and whatever else comes between then and now.


Closing statement!

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