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Hello Forum! I got some questions to ask ya!


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Hey guys, finally decided to sign up and join this website rather than just read over it as a guest, and since the game is very close to release, I think now would be the time to start getting involved with the community.


When I was looking through the forum (probably a very lazy effort, if anything) I had a couple of questions about where to look for such things as lore (myself and the bf already checked the wiki and had a nice read through) since I am a bit of a lore head (Been a long term Guild Wars fan - but the new content just doesn't do it for me much) as well as some other questions:


I'm in the United Kingdom and there's only RP dedicated servers in NA, does anyone have any experience/know what the lag/performance would be like? And if so, which is the server to be in for RP?


I'm thinking of rolling a Miqo'te. And the only lore I could really find about them was on the wikipedia page on their naming (learned a bunch from their tribes) as well as their main article, and I was wondering about the Age of Endless Frost event and the question I was wanting to ask was; how far along in the time line was this? What year is it currently in-story? Are all the races well established now in Eorzea? Do these tribes/ways still exist? I haven't played the previous version of this game, so I apologise if the questions are fairly obvious/easy to find. 


And finally I was wondering to ask what a "Linkshell" is, please forgive me (again) if it's a fairly obvious question, I am not new to RP (although I'm a bit out of the loop due to a busy schedule) but I've never actually joined an MMORPG roleplaying server, and I'm fairly excited to find out about it as well as join in (even though it is a little intimidating!).


I think I probably have a few more questions, but most of them are just relating to my character's backstory/creation. I had a lovely read out of Eva's very well written Handbook and it gives me more of an idea to how this RP environment works. Sorry if this is long winded (and a bit of a ramble!) but I am just fairly new and unsure about roleplaying servers :D


Cheers, I'll continue with the template now!


MMORPG background:


My MMORPG background consists of early WoW, Guild Wars, Maple Story and most recently Guild Wars 2.


RP experience:


In terms of it being on a MMORPG's server, none. Although, I have been on a number of forums/chats where I have dont some light to heavy role-playing back when I had more time to do so, I'm very new to the concept of RP being inside of a game, very excited to begin, too.


Character ideas/info:


Currently, I am considering making a Miqo'te Bard, when I've found out a little bit more about the Miqo'te's lore, I will definitely think of a background as I'm unsure on some information on them, will sink my teeth in on some good background once I find out the answers to some of the questions above. 


But my current idea is a Miqo'te sailing from his native land over to Eorzea after deciding to leave to look for a little bit more adventure away from his home-tribe, never the life-style never excited him, wanting to not only explore, but to meet those who are not of the Miqo'te's traditional Seekers of the sun tribal pack ways, tired of having the title as tia at the end of his name, not interested in being a part of any tribe since his relaxed and non-competitive nature doesn't appeal to him as to challange the nunh for the title (nor appealing to the thought of recreating at such a young age) and preferring to leave altogether for a more adventurous and exciting life, as well as being the one in charge of his own tribe, his one-man tribe, of being in charge his own life. Jn'Khara Nunh. 


How did you learn about the coalition?:


It had been dawning on me that the non-rp servers on GW2 were boring me, and I wasn't willing to transfer to one that did since I lost a fair amount of interest in the game since it's content started to... bore me (as well as the bugs and some of the mechanics in the game) and I found out about this MMO rebooting (having looked into it in 2010, didn't get it due to disappointed friends/reviews) and simply just googled a FFXIV RP Forum!


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?:


Will mostly depend on my mood, I guess - as well as the situation and how in character I can get. 


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc):


Currently live in the UK, lived in Spain for 11 years, fluent in both languages, I'm in my last year of college, I love music and I love art, and I have a fair amount of free time now that all of my friends have pretty much left for university!


So yeah, that's me, I guess. Thanks for reading! It's pretty long winded! 




I did a bunch of research on the Miqo'te, from what I read, I'm going to assume that the Age of Endless Frost was far in the past and 26 Seekers of the Sun tribe's gathered in one place, 26 letters in the alphabet regarding their tribes and they took this as a sign to establish themselves in Eorzea and the Seekers of the Sun in the present mostly come from the Sigolsa (no idea how to spell it) desert and some establish themselves within cities, but because of their nature, they tend to stray away from others (Although the Keepers of the Moon are much less social in comparison) and from what I've read, it seems that if they commute to cities, seekers of the sun are much more social than they once were.  So that's fairly useful to know.






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The "European" servers are located in Montreal along with the NA servers so there's no need to worry about latency. Apparently the only reason they are labelled as such is for timezone purposes. The official RP server is Balmung and has a heavy European population but there is also Gilgamesh which is a secondary server where some people chose to go because they didn't want to play with Legacy players. I believe there are some EU players there as well.


There is limited lore indeed, so a lot of it is just based on assumptions for now. I, myself, am a part of a desert tribe with my miqo'te but if you don't want such a setup then you can always just go as a city miqo'te as they do exist(there are NPCs living and working there after all, so you are free to make up such a scenario without deviating from the lore).


A linkshell from what I understand is basically a group chat in-game that serves as a method of communication. You can join several in-game. It's sort of like a guild except all there is to it is a guild chat, whereas Free Companies are the actual 'guilds'. So for example, I am currently in two linkshells. One for EU users and another for my Miqo tribe ^^



Welcome to the game. I hope you and your boyfriend have a great time there and on these forums. Good luck with whatever choice you make ^^





As for the lag, it's hardly noticeable. This is also my first Final Fantasy game so maybe this is normal but I am guessing not. The only thing I have noticed is that monsters usually take .3 to .5 of a second to die after I land the final hit and thats it. I don't have awesome net myself and I am from Ireland so I am hardly any different from you when it comes to distance ^^/

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